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Here's a story the wonderful AkwardMD wrote for me. She helps me out a LOT and I'm super thankful for that. You should check out her stories if you haven't before.
I hope you enjoy it, I have a comic coming out soon following this up.


The door opened before Odessa had even knocked, and she felt a little sheepish standing there in the hallway with one hand up.  She quickly opened her hand, extending her fingers, and turned the motion into a little wave.  Caitlyn beamed down at her, but it was such a complicated smile.  Caitlyn’s smiles were always complicated, but especially so of late.

Odessa gave her no time to think much more.  She moved in fast, through the open door, and kissed her.  Right there.  Rolling up on her toes to reach.  One hand on the small of Caitlyn’s back, the other up between her shoulder blades.  Caitlyn made the most wonderful little sound, a high and tremulous whimpering, and melted into Odessa’s arms.

“I was worried,” the strawberry blonde said, into the kiss.

“I know,” Odessa said, “but it’s okay.  I’m okay.”  She kicked the door shut behind her, and, arm tucked all the way around Caitlyn’s waist, scooped her up and twirled her as they moved deeper into the apartment.

Cailtyn kicked her feet up behind her and wrapped her arms around Odess’s shoulders.  “I heard an explosion nearby, or gunshots, or something, and I knew you were on your way, and I just—”

“I know,” she said, breathlessly.  “I’m okay.”

The curtains were down, as much to block the light that made it around the anti-shatter tape as to hide the fact that her windows were crisscrossed with anti-shatter tape.  The candles were a nice touch.  She almost chastised Caitlyn, that candles were crucial for the blackouts, but that didn’t matter anymore.  If the power went out tonight, they would have each other.

It was hard for Odessa to see these things and know, and to consciously disconnect from them.  The thin woman in her arms (had she always been so thin?) was kissing her as enthusiastically as Odessa had ever been kissed, which made it easier, but leaving that all behind was a thing she did on purpose.  With effort.

They spun past the couch where Odessa had fallen asleep one night, when they’d been watching a movie together, and had woken up to find Caitlyn going down on her.  It was just about the finest way she’d ever been roused.  They passed the armchair Odessa had bent Caitlyn over to really get the right angle for her fist.  Past the table Odessa had broken (and then put back together) when she’d tried to drop Caitlyn on it for kissing.  There were a lot of memories in that apartment.  All of it was hard to see, so she swept right past it.

The bedroom had less complicated memories.  It was all sex, and it was all good.  Amazing, really, and less ambiguously relationship-y.  Odessa threw her on the bed, in the way she knew Caitlyn liked to be thrown, and relished the way Caitlyn looked up at her through the curtain of her pale orange hair.  It was feral and hunted, and it made something stir inside her.

They met on their knees, on the bed, kissing and pawing at each other like teenagers trying to get away with something.  Hurried to the point of fury.  Odessa’s fingers got stuck trying to take Caitlyn’s cute pink bra off, so she grabbed it and ripped…

…and the squeak she drew out of the taller woman was like poetry.  Like art.  She should not have been surprised when Caitlyn bit her shoulder, but she was.  This was the only place in the world where she let herself be surprised.

Ah,” she cried, even though they both knew it didn’t really hurt.  She gave a retaliatory whip of her wrist, bringing her flattened palm down on Caitlyn’s just bared ass, and was rewarded with another of those perfect little whimpers.  In her peripheral vision, Cailtyn’s cheeks were so red  they glowed.

“Oww,” she said, so softly it almost didn’t register.  She was so close, Odessa could feel the breath on her cheek.

“Again?”  Just the one word.  She didn’t need to elaborate.

The little blonde did that thing where she didn’t answer.  She just bit her lip and held Odessa’s gaze.  There were a lot of things Caitlyn had never quite gotten the hang of asking for out loud.


She ran her hand around and around the cheek, so covered in freckles that it would almost hide the pink handprint no matter what, and it was in the care afterwards that Odessa really found her calling.  The tending.  Her hands were not as calloused and rough as they should have been, given her line of work, and that allowed her to be gentle when she wanted to be.

She very much wanted to be gentle right then.

With Alex, and often with Kelly, it was one thing and one thing only: the strength.  Alex loved to be toyed with, borderline threatened and taken forcefully, while Kelly could almost go toe to toe with her.  It was hard for Odessa to explain why that bothered her.  Her hero personality and her off-the-clock personality were blended, homogenous, but her physicalities were so different.  Alex and Kelly treated her one way, always, and expected one thing from her; an approach that, while hot, ignored her depth.  Caitlyn appreciated both sides of her, which was something Odessa didn’t have anywhere else, and so she threw herself into the moment so fully and completely that she lost sight of everything but the beautiful woman in front of her.

No matter how she was, which version of her was taking the steering wheel, Caitlyn wanted to be on the bottom.  She wanted to be able to touch and to squeeze, and whether it was Odessa’s soft, tender breasts or Starfall’s rippled, vein-popping muscles did not matter; Caitlyn loved them all with a capital L.

She scooted down, spreading her legs so Odessa could get her thigh right up against Caitlyn’s mons, and wrapped her lips around Odessa’s darkened nipple.  She made soft kitten sounds as she nursed unabashedly.  Sucking and sucking until the tip was mashed against the roof of her mouth.  Tongue slowly undulating to knead it.  Odessa grabbed the back of her head and held her there, cradled her, as she let her leg press in ever so gently.

It didn’t take much.  Caitlyn whined into the nursing, getting one hand in there to grab the breast whole, funneling the flesh like she might get something out of it.  It had been a long time since that had been true, but Cailtyn’s fresh-eyed optimism knew no bounds.  Her other hand found Odessa’s left nipple, and gave it the most wonderful little twist and tug.

Just as that really started to work for her, though, Caitlyn let go of Odessa’s other nipple, and reached down between her legs.  To this teasing of her own clit, Odessa gave a low grunt of approval, and shifted her legs to be just a bit wider.  A bit more access.  Cailtyn made the most of it.  Her middle finger was a glorious blur of stimulatory motion, and in no time at all Odessa could feel slick coolness sliding down her thighs.

She wondered if Caitlyn knew just how much she turned her on.  Odessa had certainly never been shy about approaching her, even their first time, but Caitlyn was so much more reserved.  This worked out beautifully when that reserved nature was being tested with a spank, or being pushed with just one more finger; Caitlyn’s cheeks could turn so red that she’d light up the room.  It was a part of their dynamic…

…but it was also a part that sometimes left Odessa a little unsure.

No room to think about that now.  Not when Caitlyn was making those soft sounds.  Ohh, they made all the hairs at the back of her neck stand on end.  Each little note a quarter step higher, and a quarter step closer to that perfect A# climax, muffled to near inaudibility by having her face buried in one of Odessa’s breasts.

It was so close now, with Caitlyn on autopilot.  Mindlessly rutting her hips against Odessa’s immovable thigh.  It wasn’t the granite-like density of her muscled form, but her thighs were thick enough at any stage to get Caitlyn off.  The little blonde hooked her ankles together and squeezed, and the moment arrived as Odessa just held her.

It was so effortlessly maternal and caring.  To be held meant so much, and she loved providing that for Caitlyn.

Odessa fell onto her side, breaking the pose for them, and Caitlyn rolled to follow, still kissing her over and over despite the breathless rush.  She was eager to give back, a trait that Odessa cherished, shared, and which often made their sex run on for hours.  Odessa made a little sound when Caitlyn broke the kiss, disappointment tinged with longing, but Caitlyn’s frantic stretching and reaching, toward the night stand, turned her hmm into a hmm-mmmmmmm.

The toy Caitlyn came back with turned that hum into an outright purr.  Caitlyn lifted one of Odessa’s legs, turned her onto her hip, and eased one end of the double sided dildo into her.  Odessa groaned as it slid deeper and deeper, until the flat divider in the middle pressed against her labia.  Caitlyn straddled her thigh, legs scissoring past each other, and brought herself down on the other end with luxurious patience.  Odessa propped her head up on one arm, scooped up her left breast in her hand, and brought the nipple to her mouth as Caitlyn began to ride her.

Caitlyn’s body was petite in every way, long and thin, but her pale skin was constantly betraying how flush she was, and how turned on she was.  The minute her blood started pumping, Odessa knew, and she loved it.  Caitlyn threw herself into it, like she threw herself into everything.  Her body did not ripple with the impacts the same way Odessa’s did, but her heavy-lidded eyes and sweat-dappled brow were doing a lot of heavy lifting.

And that was before she reached down to feather Odessa’s clit.

Odessa had been determined, at first, to try to hold back, and have her first orgasm just as Caitlyn was having her second, because it had been in the back of her mind that Caitlyn had made her cum four times the last time they’d been together while she had only achieved three.  She wanted to even the numbers.  She wanted to balance the scales.  All of that high-minded generosity went out the window when her strawberry blonde itty bitty squeezy thing went for the gold.

Caitlyn rode her hard, and fast, and she was so good with that toy.  She could clench in ways Odessa simply couldn’t, and used the toy more like a strapon.  It felt really fucking good when Caitlyn was fucking her good.

All her poise, all her come hither looks and posturing and careful control could go completely out the window when Caitlyn was fucking her.  There was a part of her that just wanted to get fucked that didn’t come out around Alex.  It didn’t dare show its face in front of Kelly.  It felt like weakness, even though she knew it wasn’t.  It was something she wanted, but bottoming was hard for her to own when her whole day, her whole image, was so infused with top energy.

Odessa loved to top, but it wasn’t the only thing she loved, and when the symphony of her nerve endings hit that highest peak, it hit hard.  She cried out, grabbing her breasts because she herself was the only thing in that apartment she could really grab without breaking it in half, and she could feel the tears coming.

She had to head this off.  She couldn’t fall into this yet.  Not this soon.  In a move that was more bodily response than careful plan, Odessa half sat up, grabbed a very surprised looking Caitlyn around her waist, and lifted as she fell back.  The toy made a sssschlooopop sound as it came sliding out of Caitlyn, and then rebounded hard back between Odessa’s legs in a way that sent shivers through her.

Caitlyn’s secret tuft of fur was the same beautiful red-yellow as the hair on her head, and Odessa buried her face in it.  Easier to lick than to think. Easier to dive into the the nuance of Caitlyn’s scent, and taste, and let all her focus narrow into her tongue

After a little while, after Cailtyn had cum a second time and Odessa had kept a death grip on her thighs to keep her exactly where she was, Odessa finally relented when it was clear Caitlyn was only trying to turn around and lay on top of her.  To be the six to her nine.  This was better.  This was manageable.  She wrapped her thick arms around Caitlyn’s midsection, and held her in place as if she really could keep her there.  Right there.  Right there on top of her.  Forever.


Some time around four in the morning, with Caitlyn gasping for air and Odessa feeling slightly more than worked up, it all came crashing down.  Caitlyn was too tender, too sensitive, to touch anymore, and not from lack of want.  Her last orgasm, her seventh, had taken nearly forty minutes of concerted effort, and the frustration of it had outweighed the release when it finally arrived.  Odessa could have gone for more.  She could always have gone for more.  None of them, not even Kelly, had the stamina to wear her out, but this was simply her life.  It was what it was, and so Odessa swallowed her needs and took what she could get.

Caitlyn got up, and slipped on her pink silk robe.  Odessa reached for her panties.  By the time she was pulling her shirt back on, she could smell fresh coffee brewing.

There was only one light on in the dark, in the kitchen, when Odessa emerged, and Caitlyn was standing underneath it with her arms wrapped around her middle.  Even in the dimness, it was hard to miss the stack of boxes along the wall.  It had been simpler to ignore them on her way in, focused as she was on getting to the bedroom as fast as possible.

“Do you need help with those?” Odessa asked, not knowing what else to say.

Caitlyn gave her a pained look.  “Don’t do that.”  Then, after a beat, she added, “No.  I packed them light.  I picked up the trailer last night, and I can take them down myself.”

That left nothing for her to do, and Odessa was keenly aware of it.  She looked down, and she looked around her feet, and she flexed her hands and balled her fists and rubbed her palms together, and shifted from foot to foot, and—

“Just stop, okay?” Cailtyn said, sounding near to tears.  “I’m sorry.”  She turned, clearly trying to give herself something to do, and poured herself a cup of coffee from the still-brewing batch.  Odessa winced watching her try to take a sip of it black, and too strong, but Caitlyn was so distracted that she seemed not to notice.  “I don’t think I can handle you doing any more for me than you already have.”

“Clearly,” Odessa said, flippantly, under her breath, “I didn’t do enough.”  Then, just as Caitlyn was drawing in an extremely aggrieved breath, she added, “That’s not fair.  I’m sorry.  I take it back.”

“I’m sorry that I’m not strong enough, okay?  I’m not like you.  I want to be.  I want to be here.  People need me here, God, and yet…”  She raked her fingers through her long, beautiful hair, and her eyes went very distant.  Haunted.  “I can’t.  I can’t take it anymore.  I’m sorry.”

“We don’t have to go through this again,” Odessa said, dejectedly.

“Come with me.”

This was new, and it hit Odessa very hard.  Harder than she had ever been hit, which was saying something.  “I…”

“Fuck,” the little blonde whispered, almost to herself.  “I know.  You can’t.  I shouldn’t’ve…”

“No, I really can’t.  I… I need to be here.”

“I know,” she said, sobbing quietly.

“This city needs me.  The people need me.”

I need—”  Whatever she had been about to say, or admit, she didn’t.  She bit her lip, and she shook her head, and she brought her walls up.  Took a deep breath.  Wiped her eyes.  Smiled that smile.  “I know.”

That was her cue, and she knew it.  Caitlyn followed as she started to turn, and stayed a half step behind.  When she got to the door, Cailyn leaned down and gave her the most bittersweet little kiss, and then closed the door.


Odessa walked home.  She did that kind of thing a lot.  The city was changing around her in ways she never could have expected, and it helped her to wander a bit sometimes.  She’d never really gotten out of the habit of taking long walks at night, just on the off chance that she might be there when something happened.

She knew she was walking to clear her head more than anything else, but it was still something to see.  In the pre-dawn, she could make out the tremendous scaffolding around the few skyscrapers that were left in midtown.  City ordinance had prohibited any building over seven stories, and there hadn’t been as much fighting about it as she’d expected.  Lots at first, blustering one percenters talking about their freedoms and big government overreach, but it had only taken a couple instances of people as powerful as her, or more, fighting near one to put the fear of collapse into them.

By them, she meant the people who lived in lower Manhattan.  The city was very concerned about those people, and their safety.  It had taken over a decade, and there was still years worth of work to do to bring them down, but it had been happening steadily and evenly.  Money was a powerful motivator.

This thought made her mad, and it wasn’t much of a leap to get right back around to where she’d started.  Caitlyn was leaving.  Caitlyn could have left at any time.  She’d always had that ripcord, and could have parachuted back to the safety of her parents and family back in Illinois at any time.  She could escape the city at will, and it stung.  She had never needed to be there like Odessa had.  Staying had been a choice for her, and as much as Odessa had appreciated that choice it wasn’t the same.

It wasn’t the same at all.  Even with Yvara grown up, and doing her own thing, and coming into her power, and even with the money she herself had earned from her work with the Agency, leaving was not so simple for Odessa.  It wasn’t an option.  The Renter Reimbursement Bill had stalled in Congress.  Refugees from the city were often treated like illegal immigrants.  Almost nobody in her neighborhood had the means to leave.  If she wasn’t there looking out for them, things would get bad quickly.  How many deaths could be summed up as collateral damage, written off and forgotten as easily as throwing away the morning paper? They were stuck, and so she stayed.

Caitlyn had to leave, and she had to stay.

For a while, she’d hoped that Caitlyn would stay forever.  Nobody else really saw all of her, or appreciated all of her.  Everyone else saw what they wanted, appreciated what they wanted, and ignored the rest.  It had been good for her soul to be seen, as a person, and that was gone now.  It was over.


“Oh,” Odessa said, blinking, as she walked into their apartment.  “I… wasn’t expecting you to be up.”

Yvara waved glumly from the kitchen.  Her wavy pink hair and gray and pink outfit said she’d been out as well, doing the patrolling Odessa had been partially pretending to do.  “Hey.”

Immediately, Odessa was glad she’d taken an extra lap around the park down the street.  Her mom instincts were kicking in, and the extra composure would be good.  “Are you okay?”

Even as she moved in closer, head angled to give Yvara a good once over, Yvara waved her off and nodded.  “I’m fine, I’m fine.  We’re all fine.  Rachel’s fine, and Ellie’s fine.”

“Good,” she said, taking a more appropriate, settling breath.  “I’m so glad you have those two looking out for you.  You… looking out for them.  It…”  She paused, and laid her hand on her chest as she leaned on the counter next to her daughter.  “I knew, really early on, like when you were eight, maybe, that you were gonna do this no matter what, whether I tried to stop you or not.  All I could do was prepare you, and even that didn’t help nearly as much as having those two around.”

Yvara smiled sadly, and wrapped her hands around a steaming cup of coffee.

“Okay, what is it,” she said.  “Something’s wrong.”

“No no,” Yvara replied, shaking her head.  “It’s… There were casualties.  Two of them.  We couldn’t stop it.  One of those rifts opened up a few blocks over from where we were set up, and we… Beat them back.  Sealed it up… but… still.  It was a young couple, just… driving by.  We couldn’t have done more even if it opened up right in front of us.  Totally innocent.  I was really wrecked about it earlier, but Rachel let me cry on her shoulder already.  I’m okay now, I just… It’s still so fresh.”

“I envy you three,” Odessa said, staring down past the tip of her nose.  It was hard to admit that her daughter needed less mothering than she once had, and was growing into a capable young woman in her own right.  Every time it came up, even in the most minute of details, Odessa had to reassess how much, if at all, Yvara still needed her.  “You’re lucky.  You can have that moment of weakness in front of them, and you build each other back up.”

“What about Kelly?”

Odessa smirked mirthlessly.  “Kelly and I are not that close.”

“Yeah, but..”  Yvara leaned in and tilted her head.  “I mean, come on.”


“Are you gonna make me say it?”

“Sweetie, I have no idea—”

“I know you two fuck, Mom!”

Odessa opened her mouth to be very stern, about what was and was not her daughter’s business, but she was so tired, and so frustrated, and Yvara’s smile was that perfectly unassuming, unthreatening flash of teeth.

“You can have a sex life, Mom.  It’s not that weird.”

“You knew?”

“You two were not that careful,” Yvara said, laughing more openly.  The more embarrassed she felt, and the more color she knew her cheeks were radiating, the harder Yvara laughed.  “Don’t even get me started on Dr. Campbell.”

Odessa smirked again, with just as little honest emotion behind it.  Yvara just leaned against her, and tilted her head until it was resting on the top of Odessa’s head.

“Do you remember that time Ellie and Rachel slept over after training in the park and Kelly showed up?  And, later, you and Kelly went back to your room?”


Yvara bit her lip.  “You know how Rachel’s whole thing is opening up little holes in reality?  Portals between one place and the next?  Like… windows?”

You little perverts!” Odessa said, giving her daughter a light shove and push.  “You should not have seen your mother doing that!”  Her skin flushed with color at the memory.

“It was hot,” Yvara said, shrugging.  “We all agreed.”

After this line, though, Yvara’s smile faded a little, and Odessa seized the opportunity to turn things back toward the real point.  “So you’re really okay?”

“I will be,” Yvara said.  “I need to rest, and, speak of the devil, I have to call Dr. Campbell in the morning.  Rachel shredded another pair of gloves.”

“Making those portals too close to her own hands again?”

Yvara nodded and laughed.  “Every time.”

“I’ve been telling her since she was, what… eleven?”

“The only person who can really tell her anything is Ellie.”

Odessa furrowed her brow.  “Ellie?  Not you?”

Yvara shook her head, and then, at prolonged and questioning eye contact, Yvara playfully poked the inside of her cheek with her tongue.


“Yeah,” Yvara said, smiling and blushing a little bit.

“Really?  The two of them?”

“Yeah.  I love them together, like, so much.  They’re so good for each other.”

“Is that a good idea?  For, like, your… chemistry as a… trio?”

“It’s complicated,” Yvara said, smiling, “but also, like, really easy.  I’m pretty laid back about it, and the truth is those two have been in love with each other for yeeeears.  Oh my god, Mom.  Years.”

“Yeah, but doesn’t that necessarily leave you out of some… part of… why… are you smiling?”

She was.  And blushing.  “Well,” she said, slowly, “they’re not… like… completely… monogamous.”

“And you—”

“Yes,” Yvara said, cutting her off with a wide-eyed stern-ness.  “I mean, it’s not quite the same with me.  I’m not in love with them” —the briefest flash of color, both in her cheeks and through her hair, which had been slowly transitioning back to black up to that point— “but I love them both, a lot, and so… we… just… spend some of our time together naked… and… it’s…”  She rolled her eyes, thoughtfully.  “...stimulating.”

Odessa stared at her daughter, slack jawed, and gave a microscopic shake of her head.

“Oh come on,” Yvara said.  “I do not need to be telling my mother, who has two girlfriends, about how relationships can take a lot of different shapes.”

This was too close to home.  It was too soon.  No amount of having walked home, or having taken an extra lap around the neighborhood, changed that Caitlyn had left her.  “They’re not my girlfriends,” Odessa said, and she could hear the heartbreak in her own voice.  She cleared her throat, trying to quickly pave over the cracks, but Yvara was already looking at her with suspicion and she knew she’d given away something.

“You said that,” Yvara said, moving a little closer to her, “like you have a girlfriend, but it isn’t one of them.  Or, you wish they would be?  What am I missing?  I mean, I don’t think Dr. Campbell is relationship material, Mom, but Kelly always seemed really nice.  Have you talked to her?  Does she know how you feel?”

Odessa let her head roll back, and released a long sigh into the ceiling.  Her thick brown hair slid back over her shoulder, and brushed back and forth against her lower back as it settled.  “Do you remember Ms. Stevens?”

Yvara’s eyes became distant, and she was silent for a moment.  “My… third grade teacher, Ms. Stevens?  Thin?  Redhead?  White?”

Odessa nodded.

“Oh my god,” Yvara said, excitedly warming to the subject, “Mom, do you have a secret girlfriend?”

“Not anymore.”

Just like that, all the bubbling glee disappeared from Yvara’s expression.  “Oh, Mom… I’m sorry.  I shouldn’t have… What happened?”

“She’s leaving town today.  Couldn’t…”  She made a sound in her throat.  “She couldn’t take it here anymore.”

“Things have been getting really crazy,” Yvara said absently, even as she leaned forward and hugged her.  One hand pressed against Odessa’s head, drawing it down toward Yvara’s shoulder, and it really hit home, as it always did, that Yvara was so much taller than her now.  “I’m sorry, Mom.”

“It’s okay,” she said.  Then, in a fit of inspiration, she took a page out of her own daughter’s insightful playbook, adding, “It’s going to be okay.”

“Did you love her?”

“Maybe,” she said.  “I think… I don’t know.”  No amount of asphalt could pave over the cracks that appeared then.

“Mom,” Yvara said, as she held her.  When Odessa made a sound, she continued, saying, “Have you slept at all yet?”


“How about I come lay down with you.”

She nodded, and they moved together.  Slowly, upstairs and down the hall, with her arm around Odessa’s shoulder and Odessa’s arm around her waist.  Her little girl.

“Don’t worry, Mom,” she said, as she pulled back the sheet.  “I won’t leave you.  Ever.”

Odessa had to force herself to push down on the I’m the mom here thoughts that were getting in the way of her letting her daughter comfort her in a down moment.  She was so used to being in control.  Being the reliable one.  The rock.  It had really only ever been with Caitlyn that she could let down her hair and just be a person with fears and worries and… and that was over.

But as she laid there in her bed, and her eyes got heavy, with Yvara holding her and kissing her forehead very gently, she felt like maybe it was okay to be vulnerable with her daughter.


It was some time later when Odessa woke up the first time.  Yvara was laying next to her, snoring softly.  At some point, her daughter had gotten naked.  She knew Yvara slept naked, so this was not much of a surprise.  Yvara had one arm slung up over her head, and the sheet was down around her navel.

Odessa also slept naked, normally.  There was a ring of sweaty grime around the neck and arms of the shirt she’d fallen asleep wearing that felt uncomfortable, to say nothing of the bra underneath.  She slipped off the edge of the bed, away from her daughter, and pulled her shirt over her head.

“Mmm-mmm,” Yvara said, sleepily, from behind her.  Every word only half-pronounced through the haze of dim consciousness.  “Only been two hours.  Come back.  Sleep more.”

When Odessa turned back, Yvara was holding up the sheet for her and patting the bed, and that exposed her daughter’s whole body, but this was a fleeting thing.  She was so tall, and long, with a leanness that hid how incredibly strong she was.  Not quite on Odessa’s level, but not far from it either.  Odessa kicked out of her pants and socks, took off her bra, and slid back under the sheets.  As she was adjusting herself to find the right spot, lying on her side, Yvara moved right in behind her and wrapped an arm over her protectively.

It was the first time in as long as she could remember that she felt safe in someone else’s arms.  Really safe.  Not just able to be vulnerable, as she had been with Caitlyn, but safe.  Protected.  She could close her eyes and just breathe while someone else took the wheel.

“I’m not going anywhere,” Yvara murmured softly, from just behind her ear, and, when Odessa turned to look back at her, Yvara kissed her cheek.  “I’ll always be here with you.”

Then, finally, Odessa let the walls come all the way down.  This was what she had needed, on a level so base and primal that there were no words to express it properly.  No way to encapsulate it.  She was so much more than just a woman and a hero; strong and stronger.  She was a mom, who worried.  She was a coworker, a friend, a black woman, and a victim of circumstance for whom there was, sometimes, a silver lining in her strength.  She was a human being, not a savior, or a caricature.  Her dimensions had dimensions.  Alex and Kelly saw one side of her, and one side only.  Caitlyn had seen two, and that had been so revolutionary as to threaten to break her now that it was gone.

Yvara saw them all.  Odessa could cry, and it would be okay.  She could be weak, and it would be okay.  She could be needy, and it would be okay.  For a little while, there in bed with her daughter, it would be okay.


The sun was up the second time Odessa woke up, but it was still early.  The blinds and curtains were blocking most of it, but enough was peaking through to betray that dawn had come and gone.  She’d been having a good dream, too.

Alex had been testing a toy on her while Kelly held her down.  It was a combination of their talents that, when combined, was really working for her.  In the dream, she’d given in to it with surprising ease, even though she’d strained mightily against Kelly once the blonde had her in place.  She’d never given in like that to Kelly, and let her start off from such an advantaged position.  Their sex always bordered on combative, like greco-roman wrestling with more fingering and tongues.  It wasn’t like her to surrender, but it had felt so, so good.

Her eyes drifted shut again, and suddenly the dream was so real she could feel it.  The powerful arm trapping her in place.  The thick toy teasing her entrance.  Throbbing.  Pushing more, little by little.


The dream kept getting more and more strange.  Somehow, the revelation that Yvara and her friends had watched her have sex once was feeding in now, because Yvara was somewhere in the room as well, and that made her blush.  She didn’t say no, though.  She didn’t make it stop, and she could have.  She didn’t want it to stop. She wanted it inside her already, and she kept trying to angle her hips to make entry easier.

It wasn’t the thirteen year old Yvara that watched, though.  It was when she was older.  Seventeen, maybe.  She could hear Yvara breathing heavily.

The toy was so thick that entry was difficult, and Odessa whined with the nearness of it.  Not a full throated grunt, like her top energy demanded, but the kind of whimper she was more used to Caitlyn making.  She liked how it sounded on her lips.  She liked… all of it.  She felt her hips moving in a way that didn’t make a lot of sense in the dream, but it was working toward the toy.  Alex was next to her, but they were standing, but also laying down?  On her back, but also sideways?

The arm around her squeezed, much tighter, with another arm pawing at the back of her shoulders, before the hand finally snaked under her hair and grabbed a fistful at the back of her neck.  The scruff.  Heavy breathing on her neck.  Grunting.  It was so primal.

Odessa shifted her leg, trying to spread them just a little, and it was the feeling of the bedsheet sliding over her knee that brought her back out of the dream…


It was Yvara.  Yvara had her by the scruff.  Yvara had an arm thrown over her, trapping her, and was groping at her chest.

Yvara?” Odessa said, very softly.  “Baby?

The thrusting stopped, more or less all at once, but the heavy breathing, the grip on her hair, and the arm across her chest all stayed.

“Are you okay?”

The response took a heartbeat longer in coming than she’d been expecting.  “...No.”

“Do you n—”

I can control it,” Yvara said, voice sounding strained and tight.

Odessa kept her breath even and smooth, doing nothing suddenly, and the holds Yvara had on her lightened little by little with each passing moment.  Once she had the range to do so, Odessa turned her head just a little, and Yvara flinched.  Wrong move.

So, feeling compelled to take a different direction than rolling over to confront her face to face, Odessa instead reached down for the blanket, pulled it up over both of them, and scooted backwards.  Curling into Yvara.  This made her daughter’s voice catch in her throat.  Her cock was between Odessa’s thighs, but Odessa just found the posture she wanted, regardless of it, and settled.

This had always been the best way to approach it.

Odessa had never been good at the long game.  She'd tried lobbying city councils.  She'd tried petitions.  She'd exhausted herself trying to implement incremental change.  What worked for her was to face the thing, and make it back down....

...except when it came to Yvara.  Yvara was no stranger to rigor and discipline, and had been blessed with the self-control to manage super powers as a child. When she'd lost that control, though, going head to head with her had been as dangerous in the moment as it was later, when she calmed down.  The remorse for the things she'd done, the things she'd destroyed, had been hard on her.  Crushing.  When it came to Yvara, corralling her was best.  Distraction, appeasement, and stalling for time until the bloodlust faded.

She didn't know exactly what was different this time, but Odessa knew horny when she saw it.

“It’s been a long time,” she said, softly.

I’m sorry,” Yvara wheezed.

“Catch your breath,” Odessa replied.  “I’m alright.”

Her daughter tried to slide back across the bed, but Odessa followed, staying close, and that ended that.  She kept her thighs loose, so there was room for it to retract and slide free.

“Mom, I’m so sorry.”

“Hun, what have I always said?  You do not—”

“—need to be—” they said, in unison.

Yvara finished alone, saying, “—sorry for this, I know, but—”

“No.  But nothing.”

Yvara was breathing harder, ragged, behind her, so Odessa pursed her lips so that when she breathed, it was loud.  Not loud loud, but audible, and it gave Yvara something to keep up with.  Yvara always did better with a pacesetter, which was why Rachel was such a godsend.  She did such a good job of helping Yvara and Ellie get in and out of tough fights, and between the three of them they were a match for almost anything.

Odessa turned her head microscopically, shifting to speak softly over her shoulder, and said, “First, just… you know, mom mode… are you okay?  Right now?  Physically?”  Yvara made a noise that was probably affirmative, truncated by her embarrassment, so Odessa took that at face value and added, “Did something else happen?”

Yvara just hugged tighter, burning her face in the back of Odessa’s shoulder, and groaned.

“Was it just that you were sleeping?”  She couldn’t help laughing a little.  “I know I was having a pretty good dream for a second there.”

“Mom, stop!”

“It’s okay, baby.  I promise.”  The swollen shaft between her legs hadn’t pulled back yet, but Odessa just did her best to keep her thighs in place.  “I’m not mad.  You’re not in trouble.  I just… talk to me.”  At continued silence behind her, Odessa added, “Did I do som—”

“No,” Yvara interjected, sadly, still breathing very erratically.  “I’m sorry.  It wasn’t you.  I think I was… I don’t know.”

Odessa slid back a little bit more, pressing about as much of her backside against her daughter as she could manage.  “You don’t need to explain.  You never need to explain.  Not with me.  I’m just… I’m here for you.  Whatever you need.”

Yvara just stayed very still for a long time behind her, and Odessa’s mind raced.  She did want an explanation, if Yvara had one, and she very much hoped her daughter did.  This kind of thing had been a more frequent occurrence when Yvara was going through the most troublesome parts of her puberty.  Alex had been a godsend, providing facilities that could withstand a superpowered tantrum.  Unchecked, Yvara could level a city block.  Oftentimes the flare-ups were so overwhelming for her that the only way Yvara could get hold of herself and come back down was for Odessa to let her nurse.  At the worst of times, a more drastic release was required.

In the most neutral, un-judgemental tone she could manage, Odessa said, “Baby, it’s not going down.”

I knoow,” Yvara whined, into her shoulder.  “I’m sorry.  I’m so sorry.”

“No tears, darling,” Odessa said.  “It’s alright.  I know how hard you try.”  Then, after swallowing very hard, she said, “Do you need to finish?”

The cock between her thighs throbbed at this, and Yvara whined.

Again, Yvara didn’t answer.  Not verbally, anyway.  After a few seconds, there was a hint of motion.  At first, Odessa thought she was pulling out, but… no… it was rhythmic.  Using her thighs.  Odessa had never measured her daughter for length, but she had some idea of how thick her thighs were; Yvara was reaching places she had never been able to reach before.

There was enough warmth and sweat, there at the apex of her thighs, that Yvara managed some movement.  Odessa stayed perfectly still, letting Yvara do the work, except for crossing her legs at the ankles and squeezing.

“Oh fuck,” Yvara groaned, as she tightened her hold on Odessa’s upper body.

After a minute, the sweat was supplemented by the thin fluid that Yvara could produce, and Yvara was working up to a steady rhythm.  The first time that their bodies came together loudly, Odessa couldn’t stop a little sound from escaping, and that seemed to set Yvara off even more.

It was probably wrong to frame it in her head as having been set off, or triggered.  Once upon a time, that might have been true.  Lots of things had proved to be much too stimulation, and Yvara much too prone to triggers, to the extent that Odessa was the only person fit to be around her.  Odessa could withstand it, if only by a slimmer margin than Yvara ever realized.

It wasn’t Yvara’s fault that she was the way she was, and she did everything in her power to use her unique strengths for the benefit of everyone around her.  Everyone but herself.

“I’m so proud of you,” Odessa whispered, as she angled her hips ever so slightly.

With the next thrust, the bulbous head brushed up against her lips, sliding between and through her labia.  Yvara’s whine shot up an octave, and Odessa could feel the immediate shift in the withdrawal.  The next thrust would find her.  The next thrust would enter her.

Odessa closed her eyes.

There was no choir, no trumpets; just the steady clap of their bodies in the dim light.  Little by little, the blanket she’d pulled up worked its way back down and off of them.  Louder, by degrees, with every few passing seconds, until Yvara was grunting softly with each thrust.  Grunting and heaving.

She grabbed the hair at the back of Odessa’s neck again, and Odessa hissed.  Her daughter was so strong now.  Instinct took over, and Odessa strained against her daughter’s binding arm.  She found some room, but it didn’t have the effect she’d thought it would.  With some space opened up between them, Yvara started driving into her that much harder, with that much more windup, and it drew a squeak out of her that Odessa didn’t even realize she was capable of making.  It was so meek, and so timid, and it only seemed to drive Yvara that much harder.

Secondly, freed of its job pinning her in place, Yvara’s other hand went straight for her breast and squeezed.  A ferocious whole-hand grip .  Odessa’s body could take it, and there was something about being pushed to her limits that dragged that squeak into a longer whine.

I’m sorry, Mom,” Yvara sobbed, even as she ramped up and up.  Pistoning into Odessa from behind.  “Oh fuck, I’m sorry!

“Keep going,” Odessa growled, surprising even herself with the throaty tone.  “It’s okay.  I can… Oh fuck, I can…”  At some point, Odessa had snuck her free hand down between her legs, to tease her own clit, and she started seeing colors.  A swirling kaleidoscope.  “Oh fuck.”

I’m almost done, Mom, I… I…

Do it,” she groaned.  “Fuck!  Do it!

Yvara’s cock, as it were, was really her distended and swollen clit.  It could, when she wanted it to, swell up to a significant size.  There were thick sections near the middle, and near the end, and the whole thing had kind of a corkscrew, wave crest curl to it.  It would get so red, with so much blood filling out right beneath the skin.  Hers didn’t have the same ventricles, like a real cock, to give it the same rigidity, but it was enough in its own way to approximate the same.

As it was, at the end of the day, a clit, it did not ejaculate.  It was not connected to anything.  Yvara could thrust all she wanted, and finish inside of her, and get through the haze.

She wasn’t the only one.  Odessa was breathing heavily too, having fingered herself to her own happy little ending a few seconds after Yvara stopped thrusting.  Then, and only then, as the two of them lay there panting, did the shaft slowly retract from between Odessa’s thighs.

She didn’t move.  Yvara had crept in close again, and had one arm held tight over her middle, cradling Odessa’s tummy.  She closed her eyes, and breathed slowly.  Big belly breaths, so Yvara could feel the motion of it.  After a few minutes, she grabbed the blanket between her toes and dragged it up to where she could grab it with her hands.  Once it had been pulled all the way up, covering her and Yvara both, Yvara finally relaxed a little.

“No,” Yvara said, when Odessa started to turn over, and grabbed tighter.

“Sweetie,” Odessa said, in her gentlest, softest tone, and proceeded to turn over anyway.  Yvara fought her for a microsecond more, but the truth was that she really couldn’t have stopped her mother from turning around and they both knew it.  Odessa settled on her side, one arm pulled up so that she was using her own biceps as a pillow, and brought her forehead down until the very crest of it was touching Yvara’s.  “Hey.”

Yvara’s cheeks and nose were so red.  From that angle, it was impossible to tell if Yvara was looking straight down or if her eyes were closed, but it didn’t matter.

“Do you feel better now?”

Yvara licked her lips, and pursed them as if about to speak, but only nodded very gently.

“Is this new, or are you having a flare-up again?  Do you need to start staying over more, just in case?”

Yvara shook her head.  She mumbled something that might have been not new, but Odessa couldn’t be sure, and her daughter didn’t say anything else.  Odessa took that as a sign, that no more information was forthcoming, and reached up with her free hand to stroke Yvara’s cheek with the back of her index finger.

Yvara leaned into it, nuzzling back, and finally opened her eyes.  “Wait,” she said, eyes widening suddenly.  “What about…”  She sat up a little, and looked around.

“What about what, baby?”

Yvara turned to her, cupped one hand against her face, and mouthed out Doctor Campbell.

Odessa threw her head back and laughed.  “Hey Alex.”


“Come on.  I know you’re watching.”

Of course I am,” came Alex’s digitized voice, from seemingly everywhere and nowhere.  “That was hot as hell, by the way.

“Are we going to have a problem?”

Have we ever?

“She and I have a mutually assured destruction thing,” Odessa said, smirking, as an aside to Yvara.  “I know where the bodies are buried.”

Some of them are actual bodies,” Alex said, cheerily.  “I’ll tell you what, though.  I’ve been getting some pre-cursor readings in uptown, maybe about five hours out.  How about I focus on those for a bit, try to nail down the location, and I’ll let you know if you’re needed?

“That’d be great,” Odessa said, settling back down on her side.


Yvara sat halfway up for a minute longer, looking back and forth.  “Are we…”

“It’s about as much privacy as we’re ever going to get,” Odessa said.

“Is she still listening?”

“Maybe,” Odessa said.  Then she added, thoughtfully, “Probably.”

“That doesn’t really make me feel better.”

“Think of it this way,” Odessa said, patting the bed and gesturing for Yvara to lay back down.  “We only ever had the illusion of privacy before.  Our apartment being, you know, built tough enough for you and me came with a cost.  She knows all about your outbursts.  She knew all about my pregnancy, and that whole thing.  That’s why you see her instead of a regular gynecologist.”

Wait, she’s not a gynecologist?

At this, Odessa laughed even louder.  Once she caught her breath, she said, “Let me put it another way.  She’s the only person I trusted to look at you.  Monitor your health.  Track your development.”

“That is,” Yvara said, as she settled back down onto the bed, “sort of comforting…maybe.”

“You’re special,” Odessa said, reaching out to touch her cheek again, “and you needed special care.”

There was a long pause, as Yvara took a few steadying breaths.  “If I tell you,” she said, hesitantly, “will you—”

Odessa made a soft shushing sound, and moved her finger to press on Yvara’s lips.  “I know.  You’re worried.  You always were.  It doesn’t matter what you were about to say, or how you were going to phrase it.  What matters is that I’m your mother, and there will never be anyone who is more on your side than I am.  No matter what.”

“Okay, but—”

“No,  Matter.  What,” Odessa repeated, punctuating each word sharply.

Yvara nodded, and curled into a tighter ball.  “The truth is that being with Rachel and Ellie is nice, and sweet, and lovely, and, you know, everything that being with two other women should be.  It’s… it’s egalitarian, and we take turns, and it’s gentle, and sweet, and—”

“Ahhh,” Odessa said, smirking.  “It’s a little too tender for your tastes.”

“You can’t tell them,” Yvara said, pleadingly.  “I don’t want to hurt their feelings, or make them feel like they aren’t enough.  They’re so nice, and I… just… It’s nice sometimes, but it’s not the only thing I want, or even the thing I want the most.”  Then, very softly, she added, “Let alone need.

At this, very slowly, Yvara again looked up at her, and made hesitant eye contact.  Very, very hesitant eye contact.

“Oh,” Odessa said, feeling such a tightness in her chest.  “Do you…  Do you mean…”

Yvara pinched her eyes shut, for a few seconds, and then whispered, “Can I show you something?”

“Of course,” Odessa said, quickly.  “Yes.  Always.”

Yvara got up on her knees and crawled off the bed.  It looked like she was in pain, moving slowly, with her arms awkwardly crossed in front of her.  After a few seconds, though, she locked eyes with Odessa, and that seemed to drain away some of the tension.  For her part, Odessa tried to exude a calm acceptance of the situation.  Alex would peek, and maybe make a little verbal jab here and there, but she really was trustworthy.

Her daughter tensed up for a moment, wincing and flinching, and as she exhaled, she… changed.  Her facial features became a bit more streamlined, and a bit more angular.  Her pink hair seemed to coalesce, a single mass rather than a million strands.  She opened her eyes, and they were black.  Black sclera, black iris, with a faint silvery ring outlining the pupil.  Yvara was looking at her, and judging her reaction, but Odessa had sat up and was still taking it all in.

There were changes in her skin tone.  Along her sides, down past her hips to her thighs, her light brown skin had changed to a gray white, with hints of blue further around behind her.  The undersides of her breasts.  Her palms, and the inside of her forearms.

Most drastic, though, and still changing little by little, was Yvara’s groin.  Odessa watched as the outer labia came together, smoothing over, only to be hidden moments later as something much more like a cock began to grow.  It was, again, different from the male thing, seemingly formed of overlapping muscle.  It didn’t look like it could go flaccid if it wanted to.  It flexed, and twitched, with veins running along the edges.

Yvara had changed before, but this was different.  The changes were more dramatic… like the difference between a pre-teen girl and a woman.

“Everything,” Yvara said, “is so different.  What I see, what I… smell.”

Her voice sounded different, which Odessa realized was probably partially due to the fact that her daughter’s teeth had sharpened, and her tongue didn’t quite know how to account for them.

“Okay,” Odessa said slowly, sliding toward the edge of the bed.  Toward Yvara.

Yvara flinched.  “I can smell you,” she said.  Her head turned slightly.  “I can smell that you came.  You smell good.  Fertile.”  The last came out raspy, and Yvara turned away.  Pinching her eyes shut.  “I’m sorry!  I just…”

Odessa waited for her moment, recognizing how fragile Yvara was right then, and launched herself off the bed.  She moved quickly, and by the time Yvara noticed her it was already too late.  She had both arms out and around her daughter, and she held her even as Yvara tried to break free.

“Didn’t you hear me?” Yvara raged, as she twisted and struggled.

She had, but Odessa had some changes available to her too.  She didn’t squeeze her daughter,  so keeping her close required a lot of adjusting, but it was important.  Yvara didn’t fight her, not exactly, and her attempts to break free slowed down.

“Mom, please, I—”

“That’s right,” Odessa said, squeezing more now that Yvara was less likely to interpret it as an attack.  “I’m your mother, and I always will be.  This doesn’t change that.  Nothing will change that.

It’s so hard,” Yvara whined.  “Mom, it’s so easy to give in, and-and-and let go, an-and breeed.  Fuck, that scent.  Mom, I—”

“There is nothing you could say, right now, that would change how I feel.”  Squeezing as tight as she thought she could, trapping Yvara’s arms at her sides, though Yvara’s hands were light against her own hips.

“Don’t let go,” Yvara whined.  “Don’t let go, because I don’t think I can stop myself.  Oh God.”

“I love you,’ Odessa said.  “I love you so much.”  And then she let go.

She quickly moved her hands to Yvara’s hips, just as Yvara’s hands moved up to her shoulders and pushed.  Her daughter’s head hung down, and she clenched her teeth, and she groaned.

Odessa let out a little laughing gasp; her trust fall hadn’t blown up in her face.  Yvara was still breathing very heavily, and there were veins standing out, through the skin, up and down her arms, but she was keeping her distance.

“You’re okay,” Odessa said, softly,  “You’re okay.”

I’m okay,” Yvara responded, feebly, and not sounding okay at all.

“You’re in control.”

I’m in control.

“I’m gonna sit down now, okay?”

No, wait, I…”

Odessa waited, as asked, and watched as Yvara slowly started to change back, and as that happened Yvara was leaning on her more and more.

“Oooo,” she said, woozily, as the various patches of her skin returned to their light brown color.  “It always… I’m…”

Yvara’s knees buckled, and Odessa managed to get her arms under her daughter before she got very far.  “I got you,” she said, as she turned to move her toward the bed.  “I-I-I got you.”

Yvara reached out, planting one hand on the edge of the mattress, and pulled herself onto her side right at the very edge.  She sounded out of breath when she said, “I think it’s the… hormone change.  Leaves me a little… lightheaded.  I’ll be okay.”

Odessa sat down beside her, steel gray hair still streaming, and ran her nails along her daughter’s scalp.  “Has that been happening for a while?”

“No,” Yvara said.  “It’s like a… like a muscle, and if I keep it clenched, I keep it at bay.  When I let go, I…”  She gestured to the space where they’d both been standing.  “It’s easy to let go.”

“Have you been holding that back… this whole time?”

Yvara blinked up at her, eyes not quite focusing at the right distance, and winced.  “I don’t know.”  Then, in a rush, she added, “I’ve never hurt anyone, though.  I know that.”

“I’m so proud of you,” she said, voice cracking.  “I can’t imagine what that’s been like for you.”

There were tears in Yvara’s eyes as she rolled onto her side, and slipped her arms around Odessa’s waist.  “Thank you for never making me feel like a monster.”

“Baaabyy,” Odessa said, cradling her daughter’s head against the side of her belly.  “Even if you didn’t know what it was, you’ve been holding this back for so long, on top of, of,  Ellie and Rachel, and that whole thing, and just the day to day grind of what we do, and then days like today where even our best doesn’t feel good enough?”

“I’m sorry, Mom,” Yvara sobbed.  “I’m so sorry.  It’s like a static, like a noise, and it gets so loud, and I thought, if I just pushed it a little, and you didn’t wake up—”

Odessa stroked her hair, and held her, and made soft shush-ing sounds, until her daughter had her breath back… and then a little bit longer after that.

“I’m sorry for assuming this was something you grew out of,” Odessa whispered, as she continued to run her fingers through the strands of hair, curly again now that they were back to brown.  “I stopped seeing it, so I just…”  She cursed lavishly under her breath.  “Do Rachel and Ellie know?”

Yvara nodded against her.  Her voice was thin as she said, “We caught up to a group that had trapped a woman in an alley.  They might have been trying to eat her, I couldn’t tell, and I… I wasn’t prepared for that.  The smell… they were clawing at her.  I lost my temper.”

“What happened?”

“They weren’t human, so I… I went after them.  Focused on them while Rachel got the woman out safely, but both of them saw me change.”  She sniffed loudly.  “As far as I know, they just know that I change sometimes, but not why.”

“Do you know why?”

Yvara’s non-answer was telling.

“Can you tell me why?”

“It’s like a hunger.”

Odessa made an intuitive leap, and said, “But… not for food.”

Her daughter shook her head.  “Not for food.”

“Earlier… with me… was that…”

Another loud sniff.  “Being with Ellie and Rachel is nice, but it doesn’t… it doesn’t feed that.  Not unless I… grow.”  She’d always been uncomfortable describing her transformation, or calling it a cock.  “If I do, that can take the edge off, but Ellie’s not a fan of it.  She says I get kinda controlling, and she’s not wrong.”

“Baby,” Odessa said, “I love Ellie, but she doesn’t know anything.”

Yvara rolled, so that her ear was resting on Odessa’s thigh, and looked up at her.  Brow furrowed.  “Your hair…”

Odessa gathered some in her hand and smiled.  “It gets a little bit whiter than this, if I really push myself.”

“I’ve never seen it like that.”

Odessa shrugged, and smiled softly.  “I don’t usually have to try so hard.”  Then, after a moment, she said, “I meant that as a compliment.”

Yvara smiled, unamused.

“Okay, so… if…finishing like you did earlier takes the edge off, what would happen if you finished… you know… the other way.”

Her daughter blinked up at her, and shook her head.  “I… Mom, no.  I don’t know if you saw, but, like, my nails change, and my teeth, and—”

“I saw,” Odessa said.  “I’m not worried.  It takes a lot to hurt me.”

She started to move, but Yvara stretched an arm in front of her and pushed back.  “Wait.  Mom, I… Oh fuck.”  She sniffed again, and shook her head.  “You don’t know what you’re offering… wait.”  She wrinkled her nose.  “You’re turned on!”

“It’s something that you need,” Odessa said, simply.

The look she got in return was intense, and something Yvara had said earlier tickled at the back of her mind.  Something half-remembered, and half-interrogated.  Maybe even only half-said.  “It’s not just something I need,” her daughter whimpered, but Odessa was already sliding to the side.

She leaned back, just a little, and let her shoulders shape the way that her breasts sat.  They were always large, and heavy, but she could affect a variety of presentations with a twist of her arms, or a shift in her shoulder blades.  As she did, Yvara’s eyes tracked back and forth to her nipples.

For a long time, almost two decades at that point, Odessa had developed an interesting relationship with her physical form.  Although she’d paid for it, dearly, her body had become hardy to the point that she was in a class of one, all by herself.  She was by no means the strongest, but she might have been the toughest being in all of New York: the most likely just keep getting back up, and keep pushing forward, in the face of adversity.  She matched that with an iron will and a no nonsense attitude, and that combination made her quite formidable.  She knew that, but her will and her attitude were things she controlled, and affected with purpose.

Her body, on the other hand, she had been putting in danger, in the line of fire, without blinking, for years.  She offered it up easily, trusting that she would pull through because she had to.  Because others were counting on her.  She put herself in that position time and time again, without hesitation.

At first, here, it was the same.  Yvara needed this.  Yvara needed release.  Her daughter, the most precious thing in the world to Odessa, was struggling, and there was something Odessa could do to make that better.  She jumped in with both feet without flinching, offering up her body.

She knew, almost immediately, that something else was going on by the way Yvara went straight for her breast.  Suckling, and drawing it deeper.  Tongue slithering around and around.  Her daughter’s warm breath washing over her skin like a wave.  Odessa took a sharp breath as tiny pinpricks, perhaps the tips of sharpening teeth, made contact here and there, but that was incidental.

There was a heavy look in Yvara’s eyes, an intensity, that made for a heady mix with the way Yvara grabbed her, and held her, around the waist.  Odessa blinked at this, having expected a very different approach, and she felt a prickle on the back of her neck.  A kicking in of instincts that said she’d misread something.  That she was in over her head.

“Some water,” Odessa said, trying to buy herself a moment to process a half formed thought.  “I need—”  She started to turn, and had rolled about halfway onto her hip to reach toward the bedside table, when she was grabbed by her hips and dragged backwards.  Her knees slid off the bed and thumped to the ground just over the edge, with her waist and upper body still on top of the mattress.  By pure instinct, she’d grabbed handfuls of sheets, but that hadn’t stopped her motion in the slightest.

It did, however, give her something to squeeze when, a moment later, Yvara penetrated her from behind.

Odessa cried out, eyes bulged, and she reached out again, but there was nothing more substantial to grab than the fitted sheet.  Yvara was squatting behind her, feet planted and knees out to the side, and Odessa felt it when her daughter crouched over her.

“Need,” Yvara rasped.  Both arms moved to wrap around Odessa’s middle, cradling her belly from the top and bottom, and then she was off.

“Oh.  Fuck.  Baby.  Yvara.  Hold.  What.  Fuck.”  Every time Odessa managed to get a word out, Yvara slammed home inside her, and the shock of it made her diaphragm suck in so that each word was followed by a little uh!  “Oh.  My.  Can’t.  Oh.”

Yvara moved an arm up from where it was clutching her belly to grab one of her breasts, and Odessa’s eyes crossed briefly.  It was so much, so fast, all at once, and it was almost more than her nervous system could process.  The force of it was terrific.  She couldn’t imagine how Yvara was able to drive into her so hard with their bodies already so tightly pressed together, but there were little tracers of light zigzagging across her field of vision.  Yvara could hit hard, on her level, and so all Odessa could do was grit her teeth and hold on.

When she was with Kelly, the purpose was stress relief.  It felt good, and there was surely some pleasure, but the blonde titan was a relief valve for her, and vice versa.  With Alex, there was definitely some pleasure seeking, but underneath everything the two of them did there was a layer of clinical evaluation that never quite went away.  She was being tested at all times, and Odessa never let herself forget that.  It would have been so easy to fall for Alex’s pretty lies.

With Caitlyn, it had been more complicated.  Everything with Caitlyn was more complicated.  The pleasure was there, but that was almost the least of it.  The most important part had been the escape.  For a little while, she could get away.  The fact that Caitlyn was a secret she’d kept from everyone, including Yvara and Alex, had played a huge part as well.  She got away with it.  It had been something that was entirely hers, theirs, and no one else’s.

With Yvara, it felt fucking amazing.  There were no compromises.  No accepting of less than she wanted, or could handle, and no pretending like less was okay.  It was right.  It was good.  It was what she wanted.

None of this occurred to her just then.  Odessa couldn’t do more than process exactly what was happening to her in that exact moment, because it was so much.  Yvara was so much.  A hurricane of motion and force.  She was thrusting so hard, and holding her so tightly, and the places she was holding her.  She could feel Yvara’s need in the placement of her hands.  Clutching possessively.

On top of all of this was the feel of the thing inside of her.  Yvara’s swollen clit had always had a decidedly rubbery texture to it, which was nice, but whatever change she’d undergone recently had given it a feel like overlapping layers of dense muscle.  It writhed within her, and she could swear it was moving apart from the thrusting.  Flexing.  The layers of muscle almost formed a braid-like shape, and it felt like ribbing.  If she closed her eyes and focused, she could feel the shape as it moved in and out of her, but she needed her eyes.  She needed some semblance of control, to keep herself anchored to some part of the room so she didn’t float away entirely.

She managed to get her toes planted, and pushed herself into the bed, so that she could at least have some leverage if Yvara tried to move her again, but Yvara seemed to be completely focused on the rutting.  She had Odessa where she wanted her, and was having her way.

Mine,” Yvara growled, over and over and over again.  “Mine, mine, mine..

The sound of them filled the room.  Had she ever gotten so wet during sex?  Had her body ever wanted, so much, to give in?  Wet squelching, as air tried to rush into the gap left by Yvara’s throbbing muscle, only to be forced back out almost as quickly.  It echoed and reverberated, and the only thing she could hear over it was the sound of her backside being pounded and the incessant chorus of—

Mine, mine, mine, mine…

Dmfth, dmfth, dmfth

Mine, mine, mine, mine…

Dmfth, dmfth, dmfth


It was the slowing of the mantra, more than the rapid pace increase, that clued Odessa in. She was pretty sure that Yvara wanted, she could go faster, and harder, and a tiny part of her brain wanted Yvara to do just that, but Yvara’s breathing was heavier by the second, and what did make it out was going through clenched teeth.  Odessa couldn’t do more than brace herself, and even that didn’t help in the slightest.

Yvara molded to her from behind, with her much longer frame curling easily around even Odessa’s significant curves.  The twitching shaft reached as deep as it could from that angle, straining to curl up and into her… and then it started filling her up.  She could tell it was the muscle, flexing to swell, because the fluid that started pouring into her several seconds later felt very different… and all of that, all of that, faded to nothing when Yvara bit her shoulder right in the same spot Caitlyn had.  At the very middle of her trapezius, where it blended into the neck.

Odessa cried out this time, for real.  Yvara’s teeth were much sharper, and her jaw had more than enough strength to break skin.  It sounded, and felt, like her daughter was screaming into the bite, as the sound waves echoed in her own lungs.

The sharp pain receded after a few seconds as Yvara let go, but the flexing swell inside of her pussy was getting worse.  Her mind could not wrap itself around how much thicker it was getting until she remembered that it was a muscle.  She tried to focus, and she couldn’t feel it as deep, which meant it had drawn in on itself to get so much thicker.

So, so, so much thicker.  And then Yvara started to pull out.

“No-no-n-n-n-n—” Odessa’s eyes rolled up behind the lids, involuntarily, as her opening was stretched.  As Yvara stood, Odessa felt herself being drawn back, because her vulva was straining and failing to let go.  She grabbed at the sheets again, but only managed to rip them off entirely, and in the end it was Yvara standing up that did the trick.  Her pussy’s unwillingness to let go could not overcome trying to support her own bodyweight, hanging from it, and she thumped back down to her knees and fell to her side.  As she did, she felt a release like she’d never experienced, and a splash of fluid hitting the back of her calf.

No time to process that.  She saw it, just for a moment.  The shaft before had been maybe eight or nine inches in length, and a good thickness at that.  It was only half that now, maybe less, but the sides had swollen outward tremendously.  It was already straightening back out again, corded muscles unwinding even before her eyes, and Odessa could not take her eyes off of it.

The intricacies of it.  How it worked, how it made her feel, how it smelled.  Her fluids dripping off of it.  It was gorgeous.  It was beautiful, and cute, and hot.  She lay there, arms spread wide to grab onto the mattress so that she didn’t collapse completely, and panted.  Before her, Yvara was also panting.  Chest rising and falling dramatically.

“Are you… okay?”

Odessa nodded, even as she reached across her chest to touch her neck with the tips of her fingers.  They came back red, but it wasn’t bad.  It took a lot to make her bleed, and even more to make her bleed very much.  “Are you?”

Yvara didn’t say anything, but she closed her eyes and breathed a little slower, and then a little slower.

“Did that… Did that help?”

Her daughter looked up at the ceiling, and… and there were tears coming out of her eyes.  Streaming down her cheek.  Her body was clearly vibrating, anxious to do more, but her emotions were shot.  Odessa was so focused on that, on getting up to do something, that she didn’t notice when Yvara started to change back, and it was a scramble to grab Yvara as she started to fall to her knees.

“I’m sorry,” Yvara wheezed, as Odessa dragged her back onto the bed.  “I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m—”

“Baby,” Odessa said, brushing her hair back, “it’s okay!  It didn’t hurt!”

“I couldn’t stop myself!  I couldn’t!  I’m sorry!  I’m so sorry!”

Nothing Odessa was saying was getting through to her.  No amount of reassurance was penetrating Yvara’s fears, and so she got her arms underneath Yvara to drag her a little more onto the bed, and a little bit onto her lap.  She tucked one leg under the other, to make a pillow out of her thighs, moved Yvara’s head despite the fact that her daughter was trying desperately to explain things that didn’t need to be explained, and guided her to a nipple.

Yvara managed about one more word before her tongue and lips registered what was happening, what was being put in front of them, and then instinct took over.  She latched, and suckled.  She broke her intense, apologetic eye contact, and looked away.  Her cheeks colored, maybe out of embarrassment, but Odessa didn’t let her hang onto that.  She stroked her daughter’s hair, and she hummed softly, and she held her close.  The warm smile came easily.

Yvara fell asleep very quickly, but even in her sleep she needed the comfort of breastfeeding.  It was for naught, of course, but her breathing slowed, and her pulse slowed, and everything finally quieted down.

As she sat there, willing to do as much again and more for her daughter for no more complicated reason than because Yvara was her daughter, Odessa could not quite reconcile how good it had felt.  She hadn’t fought back, and she probably could have.  She’d let it happen, and it had felt good, and if any part of the last few hours of conversation had been true, it was probably going to happen again.

There were tears in her eyes when she realized that she wanted it to happen.  The bond she was forming with Yvara, and it was definitely a different and new kind of bond, was forming in what had once been an empty and barren place in her core, in her soul.  A lonely place.  There were troublesome implications, and she had a lot of questions, but she was so worried, and so tired, and it had been so long since she’d had a mother figure of her own to lean on.  She really wanted to cry on someone’s shoulder, and…

Yvara.  She could lean on Yvara.  She could trust Yvara, and they could figure things out together.  Even now, there was something she could do.

Odessa carefully lifted Yvara’s head, very gently until the nipple stretched and popped out.  Her daughter made a wordless murmur, but her eyelids didn’t flicker as Odessa set her down on a pillow, on her side, and shifted.  She moved a little further on the bed, laid down on her side from the opposite direction, and then very carefully gathered her breast in her hand and pushed the nipple at Yvara’s lips.  It didn’t take long for Yvara, even sleeping, to take it back, and once she did, she held suction.

Odessa stared at her daughter’s breast for a long time.  It was smaller than her own, and her nipples were cute and pink, and quarter sized compared to her own palm-sized areola.  She got her biceps up under her head, so that she could get her head to about the right height, and leaned in, and nursed.

Yvara’s nipple was soft, and tender in her mouth. It deformed and stretched, skin sliding smoothing over her tongue, but it hardened just right.  Settled into a little groove in the roof of her mouth like it was made to go there, or like her mouth was made to fit it there.

She had no frame of reference for the sense of calm that came from it, but she knew the root of it was the safety she could count on around Yvara.  She could let down her walls, and want the things she wanted, and it would be okay.

There would be more conversations, later, but for now it was enough.


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