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Hello you wonderful people!

Here is the final instalment of Klee Prank Adventure, with the last bugs fixed and a new main screen added. The game is now in a state where we can build upon it in the future when the time comes.

Here's what's been updated:

  • Fixed "Sweet Memories" main menu screen not unlocking on completion
  • Fixed Sucrose climax bug
  • Fixed Stats Screen incorrect prank success bug
  • Fixed various spelling, grammar, wrong speaker errors (Thanks DarkEchoid!)
  • Improved the timing minigame cheat mode, you can now instantly win/lose each timing game after activating the cheat
  • Fixed FAQ/Change main screen options not appearing on Android
  • Added new final Main Screen

Again, there isn't any new content, this is a bugfix version!

For all of you who are still supporting me while I work on Maya's Mission, thank you so so much. 

The game's coming on really well, and I'm hoping to release something playable in late March.

I know I haven't posted on Patreon very much lately, but it's just because there's not much of interest to share. Lately me and Mai have basically rebuilt a lot of Ace Attorney in Renpy from the ground up, and I've personally extracted and rebuilt the sprites from the HD trilogy (when you extract them they are all messed up, see attachment), so we've both been very busy, you just need to bear with us a little longer!

Okay, that's it for now, lots of good shit coming in the very near future.


- Mochi




Loved your Klee game was really good. Any update on the Maya game? Super excited for it


Yooooo, I'm glad you liked KPA! Maya's Mission v0.1 is nearly in a state where I can begin beta testing, I reckon it'll be 10 days max before release. Thanks for your support <3