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  • Introtest.mp4



Hello again you awesome people, it's been a while since I've let you know what's cracking so I thought I'd do a little post <3

Starting a new game is a lot of work. I've been spending a lot of time building the foundations of the game: Storyboarding, making menus, GUI interfaces, sorting and extracting graphics, sound effects and background music, coding the text speeds, fonts and styles and so on. It can be a little tedious, but when it's all done it won't need doing again and I can get to the good stuff!

I've also started commissioning some talented artists to work on creating necessary assets for the early game. It's mostly backgrounds and renders for some of the puzzles so far, but eventually I would LOVE to have an OC Ace Attorney girl in the game. I'll keep you all updated on that front as things progress.

I'm really hoping to have something playable to release by the end of next month, but I can't make any concrete promises at this point. Please be aware that the intro clip I've attached is only a draft, but it should give you all an idea of what things will look like going forward.

Thank you all for your support, please feel free to HMU here or on discord and I'll answer any questions you might have.


- Mochi
PS: I'll be releasing the KPA [FINAL] version with the last few bugfixes and a new main menu screen this month too!



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