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Hello friends.

Unfortunately a close family member has gone into hospital for something quite serious, but something they should recover from. I've spent most of the last 5 days there and I haven't been able to work on KPA very much. I need to be there tomorrow and the day after too, and then hopefully they will be discharged and I'll be able to dedicate most of my time to KPA again.

Other than that, KPA-wise things are going really well!

First things first: I've finished all of the super lewd outfits and implemented them into the game AND THEY ARE HOT AF! I'm desperate to show you all but I don't wanna ruin the surprise...

Also I've:

  • Made 1/5 scenes for the super lewd outfits
  • I've rendered all the nude 'outfits' for each girl + drafted dialogue and code 
  • I've made + implemented a new TTG (The best one yet!)
  • Made + Edited Beidou Hotspring renders
  • I've replaced the old low quality Bikini Armor Outfit renders/dialogue
  • I've optimised the game intro, finally replacing the old Dodoco image once and for all, and getting it ready to be voiced!
  • I've replaced some backgrounds including the Mona's cottage background
  • I've commissioned new Non Vocals noises for Jean and Noelle greeting lines +non vocals
  • I'm in the process of commissioning 2 climax noises for each main girl, so 14 in total + more seggs noises
  • 3 new Polaroids

There's still a lot to be done, and I've given Mai a big list of jobs to complete too, but rest assured things are coming along nicely for the time being. 

Sorry the update is a little later than normal, please bear with me!

- Mochi




No problem mochi, take your needed break. Hope they get well soon 👍