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Hello again you absolute legends, Maya's Mission v0.2 is ready to play, and honestly I think it might be some of my best work yet! Go and play it right now!

I'm sorry that the development cycle for v0.2 took a little longer than I expected. These last few days have been a brutal grind BUT it was totally worth it. It's really important that the dialogue and the writing in general reads and FEELS like it's source material, so I spent a lot of time writing and rewriting some of the prominent scenes until they were perfect. Please let me know what you think on here/on discord after you've given v0.2 a try!

I'm going to end this post here because I plant to write a follow up post later, with more information about the future of Maya's Mission, and some of the things you'll have encountered in v0.2 (OC Girl, Music Choices, Day 3 plans etc).

I'm also going to let you vote who appears on the cards in v0.3, so keep your eyes peeled for that too!

Thank you for your support, it's the reason I can spend so much time making this game!
