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It is Bosanimal's Friday!

Now, we promise we don't aim for our releases to be this scheduled, but the last few batches of Bosanimal episodes are so fun that we have decided to focus our effort on them!

As we speak, there is only one more Bosanimal episode batch to be translated, so two more releases to complete the series!

This batch includes a lot of masquerading and other effects, and we even gave up in one specific segment because it would have been so time-consuming it would have totally drained our interest on working on any subs for a week, so we decided to just cut it off. It's only a few frames, nothing important, but we apologize for the lack of consistency.

Please enjoy!

EDIT: As we started working on the last episode, we noticed a character's name was wrong in this episode, so here's a quick fix! Sorry for the issue.


(No title)

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