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Hello everybody! I've been playing with AI for audio generation and I want to do a little test with you.

Gabi and Emily will "personally" answer some of the $20 patrons' questions! Leave your questions in the comments here!



So I guess I’ll ask first. I’ve got just two questions, so hopefully that’s fine. One, has Gabi ever thought of breaking her personal record? Two, what does Gabi look for in a partner? Just curious is all.


How long can Gabi keep someone safely in her stomach? And what would Gabi do if she walked in on Jill and Jenny eating Emily and Lily?


Is Emily into stuffing considering she can’t eat people

Micah Bowers

Has Lily ever had Gabi eat somebody?


Does Gabi wish she was more Emily in the sense that Emily is the more ruthless nonchalant about swallowing people how would Gabi react if they both had the power to swallow people

Adz C G

Who is a better burper. Jill or Gabi

Adz C G

Has Gabi’s stomach or burps ever caused the ground to shake or vibrate?

Michael Stark

Does Emily like it when Gabi or any other pred burps?


Hmm, I suppose I got one for Gabi and Emily. For Gabi: doesn’t it get tiring to eat people either cause you have to or cause of Emily’s pranks? And about how many can you eat before you’re full? As for Emily: do you mind that Gabi’s habits of eating gets you thrilled up and if you did have the ability to eat people, how many would be your max and of course, will Alice like it?


Okay! I’ve got a couple: What are each pred’s personal records? According to Emily’s last adventure, Gabi has a record of 61, Jill has a record of 57, and Jenny has a record of 50. What about the others? Do you gals know any male preds? How would you feel if you met some? What do you know about the nature of predators? Have your parents ever told you about your wider family?


I thought of one more question, so hopefully that’s okay, it’s chill if this one isn’t answered though. If Gabi could eat anyone in the world and completely get away with it with no suspicion whatsoever on her, who would it be? It could be a politician, actor, comedian, anyone famous, someone she likes or dislikes, literally anyone. Same goes for Emily too, if she had the ability and chance.


For Gabi and Emily: what would happen if you were to switch role? Like if Emily was in Gabi position of eating people and Gabi was in Emily position, would Gabi try to stop Emily from eating more people or would Emily show Alice and would get Alice to help her to feed her more people to swallow?


Hello Gabi and Emily. My question is for Gabi. what is the max about of people you've had in your stomach before you puked someone out as couldn't hold anymore in your belly?


Hello Gabi and Emily. My question is for Gabi. I see in a lot of your pics you can swallow people. However Samantha can swallow objects like cars. Are you able to swallow a car or want to give it a go?