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Ellen is getting some new clothes, courtesy of her boss...

Part 1 



Charles Wallace

Loving this strip (pun intended) so far!

Brian Miles

I think it'd be really cool to see you act some of these comics out yourself. Could be fun, for all of us! 😃


how many times do you have to take breaks to

Sweenan A. Mornstuy

If this ends up as a cosplay, I'll be your servant for life. (Especially if you wear your glasses. I've got a thing for women in glasses. 😍)


The story continues! Can't wait to see what happens next ;)

Thump Kicks

I could try to be linguistically clever…but yea. OnlyFans pls n thx. Because I want to see more. 😝


That last panel omg

Leon Andrews

She is extremely comfortable around her boss.

The Fossilfish

Someone's looking to get a good performance review!


I have the strangest feeling you're speaking from the heart here. Either because you've been here, or... just want to be here. Love it.


loving this new multi-comic format! erotic stories rock!

Andrew Ausseresses

That last slide gets me right here. *holds fist to chest*

Jack Griffin

I'm hoping Ellen shows the boss who's *really* in charge


Um excuse me what do I need to do to be part of that fantasy? Seriously, though, keep it coming. The real emotion shows.

Jeremiah Avery

This would be a great case for returning to the office full time, if this would actually transpire. :-P


Already done, still no wet Ellen under my desk. What, you want me to get a corner office first? Picky.


Wait aren’t you self employed? Is there another Ellen behind the desk?! Is that why they have spare clothes that fit?!?! This is my fan theory and I’m going with it.


I have a more rechinar question. When you draw the shirt, is it a semi transparent layer over nude Ellen or just regular drawing


oh no, your luscious milkers are showing? that's terrible, here, lemme help you cover up queen 🙌


Serious Ellen is wow, such a hot comic woman!


I’ve never worked in an office, but this comic is starting to make me think that Dilbert lied to me 🤨


Any new weekend pics?


Woo hoo! I can't wait! I have the patience of a gnat! lol ;-)

Bryan Crowne

Any chance you can do a wet panties set? Art or IRL? You are as beautiful as your artwork which is saying something. I'm told I'm like a dog. Loyal, like a good ear scratch, like to explore my environment with my tongue, and love sexy panty scents...🫣