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I know so many of you were really excited to see another angel cosplay, so I decided to spoil you ;)

Cosplay is DONE, just need to get the pics up! I will post them all tomorrow night ;) <3




I forgot to say wayyyy back when you drew the messy maid, I meant to comment that it reminded me of Japanese erotic art. Beautiful and hot, hot sexy dripping naughty maid! ;-)


Is it Thursday yet...counting the minutes


If yall haven't read Ellen's latest comic on Reddit you should!

Ewan Grantham

In that same vein, it would be interesting to see "cartoon" Ellen drawing a picture that turns out to be a picture of real Ellen. Asking the question, which is the real Ellen :-)


I just saw your new comic today on reddit and I'm glad you received so much love and I also sadly know the final panel is correct. The hateful people are already making horrible remarks. I can't understand those dark spirited people. Is reddit that important to your platform? If not, it's a toxic place. I only read r/comics and I have friends who were on reddit but left due to the toxic people. Again, I love your comics and I think you're such a great person and so talented...and gorgeous!!

Doc Suicide

I love how Pizza straight broke r/comics in a good way. Creators supporting creators. Fuck the internet critics.


Yes, I saw a lot of support and some (I can only call them jealous) rude and mean comics aimed at Ellen. fuck them!!!