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Please download the core library HERE.
XML Injector is no longer required for this mod to work correctly, but Core Library is.

1.6 Patch

  • Mod patched to work with the new Crystal Creations update
  • Survivors can now no longer use their phones (can move out still via the neighborhood menu)

1.6 Patch

  • Cooking with 'Mystery Meat' temporarily removed from campfire, however it can still be eaten raw.
  • Breaking into a lot with another sim from your own household present, will now no longer lead to them getting angry at you as if they owned the lot you were breaking into.
  • Lockpicking book has been REPLACED by an interaction on doors that allows your sims to practice their lockpicking.
  • Tomarang night markets have been stopped
  • Survivors cannot use the Tomarang fish market or Temple
  • Most Tomarang NPC spawns have been stopped, but there are a few I am currently unable to prevent. So you may see some sims walking about if you play in this world.

Also, a reminder - survivors CAN use the fridge & oven as long as they have enough power from a source such as the solar panels PLUS they have the required ingredients for the recipe.

1.5 Mini Patch

Just a very small patch to fix an issue players have been experiencing where NPC survivors would not spawn when sending out a transmission.

  • NPC survivor spawn bug fixed
  • Greater chances of finding a lockpicking skill book from all forms of scavenging

1.4 Pre-Update Patch (2 out of 2)

Great news! I was finally able to recreate the loading issue in my own game and was able to track down the files causing issues.
Bad news; I had to completely remove the overrides for the phone calls inviting your teen sims to prom. Unfortunate, but worth it for the mod to actually work properly.

  • Loading bug should now be fixed.
  • Inherited traits issue fixed.
  • New world 'Chestnut Ridge' de-simmed, no more sims walking around.
  • Survivors can now use the fridge to create meals if they have the ingredients.
    Your sims will require power and the correct ingredients to cook. Off-grid fridge cooking is now basegame compatible.

1.3 Pre-Update Patch (1 out of 2)

  • In order to combat the issue some players are having with not being able to load into their saves, I have adjusted the files so that you can remove the overrides from the packs you do not own. Please upload any Last Exceptions to the discord linked down below.
    Please delete the packs you don't own in the 'OVERRIDES' folder.


It's finally here! Thank you to those who kept up with the rollercoaster that was the development of this mod!

Please make sure to read through the tutorial/documentation page thoroughly!

Please also be patient whilst this mod is in it's early release, this is a huge overhaul of a mod and there will be some things I missed.   Feel free to let me know if you spot something you think I missed, you encounter an LE or simply have a suggestion for a future update.



Required Mods:



Unfortunately it did not fix the error where it doesn't load into games for me (even with a completely clean game with only this mod and its required companions). I'll keep experimenting because it seems to be something about my game and hope to be able to play this soon. Thanks so much for developing this and your other amazing mods!


The mod needs to be updated so for right now we have to wait


Remove the No More Festivals notification in the overrides folder, that is the file causing the issue. You will get festival notifications but the mod will work until I figure out what is causing this.

Jessica LeVine

Hi I have been loving this mod it's been a blast! I know you have bigger concerns with this mod right now so no rush. I was just wondering if you can make it so that when my sim breaks into a residence the sims in their household or part of the settlement can come with. My gameplay has my sim wandering from empty residence to empty residence but when I try to have a household member or settlement survivor come with they get mad tell my sim she's in their house and attack her. Not sure if this is possible to change but you never know until you ask.


Sorry to be a bother but is there any mods that will conflict with this mod? I can load up the game but when I try and play a household it won't load and kepts on erroring. :)


I found the reason why I was getting the error I had to update the the Trait injecter mod, however, the old granny cook book won't work with the survive mod I have tried both with and without the survive mod and the old cookbook doesn't work with the survive mod in.


I am thrilled to report that the optional override remove packages in version 1.3 have fixed my non-loading issue! Thank you so much!


would love to see a stripped down version thats compatible with other mods

Chandra McDaniel

Can this mod be used with florwalsims post apocalyptic save file?

Cristina Valera

this is amazing, I'm installing it, hopefully it works!


uuummm... should we be able to use the phone and order food to be delivered? which after the food is delivered the delivery person stayed but is not acting like any npc that has joined my settlement.

Русский Гишпанец

Should I delete the entire "Overrides" folder if I have all the add-ons, including the "basegame" folder?


No, unless you don't want the overrides which get rid of sims walking about in the neighbourhood :)

Русский Гишпанец

Oh, ok. Understood. It’s just that English is not my native language, and on the sites where I saw descriptions of mods, they translated it completely unclear why I should delete these folders. I also wanted to ask. It's normal that I can't do ANYTHING with the meat that my sims bring from the hunt? I just can't eat it raw, or cook it in any way... nothing at all. It just sits in your inventory. Unless it's just another type of currency for traders. Because you can’t put meat on the food shelf, just like the MRE found. I can’t even transfer the latter between characters. The one who found it ate it. I can only put it on the ground. The most my characters can do for food is fry hot dogs or caught fish over a fire. Not on the grill, but on the fire. The kitchen is completely useless. You can't cook, you can only store food in the refrigerator, whether there is electricity or not.

Dem Crus

I love this mod, it's so great & fun! However, when I tried to send my sims hunting/scavenging by car, the game crashed & closed by itself right after they returned home. Do you have any suggestions to solve this problem?