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The Minimalists Podcast | The Minimalists

In this episode of The Minimalists Podcast , Joshua & Ryan are back "in studio" to speak with minimalist filmmaker Matt D'Avella of The Ground Up Show . Together they answer the following questions: Joshua & Ryan's pithy, shareable, less-than-140-character answers to the lightning-round questions: Joshua on simple, important advice: "You can't change the people around you, but you can change the people around you."


Kimberly Wells

I was thinking about this several weeks ago, because I also snowboard, play the violin, and I recently took up ballet. Since I live in a tiny apartment it feels like I own a LOT, but I only have the one board, helmet, boots, jacket, pants, etc. I don't have multiples. I have only one violin and everything except the sheet music fits in the case. Ballet consists of slippers and other gym clothes I already owned. People who knew me a few years ago would be surprised by this, not just because I now own so little, and it's constantly decreasing, but because I used to be big into crafting and owned several CUBIC YARDS of fabric and beads and tools and paper and yarn and paint and organizing and storage devices and I can't even think about what else. Somewhere in the process of getting divorced, moving six times in two years and finally settling in northern Door County, I completely lost my life-long love of crafting. I'm sure there's a long story in the "why" of all that, but being where I now am in life I can no longer even imagine having those types of hobbies because the idea of owning all those supplies again is so completely overwhelming. I didn't choose my new hobbies because they require so few supplies, but the fact that they do is remarkably freeing. I don't have to spend half of my hobby time deciding which Pinterest inspired organizing technique to use so next time I can find the right color and width of ribbon, I grab my ONE boarding, violin, or gym bag and get to it.