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I tried my best to record 2 audios today even though I have a runny nose, aching body, no appetite and such for a whole week now.

(I also wrote  the script while my brain was kinda foggy late at night lol)

so sorry if the voice feels off! i will edit it tomorrow. If for some reason, it don’t sound right to me, I’ll just re-record when I feel a little better! It was so hard to listen to my voice with a stuffy nose lol 😆

and not sure if it’s covid again( I hope not).  I ordered free covid test kits again to try. But surely it’s just a flu.

hope you guys are all well! I heard covid cases are rising again 🙄

stay safe !




I hope you get better Yubi! 🫶🏽 The flu is definitely rough, it had me out for a week in December


Missed opportunity to make a reverse comfort sick gf audio.😊 Seriously though, I hope it's not covid again and that you feel better soon. Take all the time you need. Also, I love the art. Rest and take care, Yubi. 💖


Thank u Dan! I did thought about the reverse sick audio lol😷but I too shy with how I’ll sound with stuffy nose ! But yes Resting now 😴😴😷