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"Why am I blushing?---Of all people---why does it have to be them?---No way I have a crush on my roommate.."

[teasing her][sudden realization][wants to confess but can't][tough to shy][kissing her to shut up][pins her down][blushing to the core][she liked that she was vulnerable ;)]


Your Goth Girl finds herself into a heated argument with her normie roommate over the intrusion of bright lights. As tensions escalated, a physical struggle ensued, leading to an unexpected moment of intimacy. Pinned down, she gazed into her roommate's eyes, and amidst the chaos, a realization struck--- an unexpected and surprising blossoming of love.

Soundgasm here [13:40]

Youtube here [13:28]


-Done recording pending commissions. If you are tier 20 and 50 members, don't hesitate me to message the script you'd like me to fill for you.

-There's a little kiss scene here and IDK if youtube will accept this hahaha. We shall see AGAIN -_- why do i do this? (Update: It flagged after 2 days, so I edited it again and removed any soft groans and kisses, nothing new guys, you get the drill T^T lol)

-Will edit commissions tomorrow <3

-Hope you guys like this one , it's your turn to make me fluster ...a little bit ;) lol





"-_- why do i do this?" You're addicted to the danger. Can't stop won't stop.


Definitely sounds like it 😭😭😭I like to live dangerously . Jk🤣😭


just recently subbed to your patreon and i’m not disappointed. I really enjoy listening to your audios and something about your voice makes it so unique compared to other VA’s. I look forward to more audios Yubi 🙏🏽


Thank you so much Ares and welcome to Patreon! 🥰❤️*hugs* you too sweet tysm🥹


I have one of the stupidest smile on my face every time I listen to your audios it's amazing


This is so cute. Finally, time to make you flustered for a change. I love audios where the listener discovers a hidden kink. Amazing job. ❤️