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I know it’s not a big fat cuddly plushy or some cool ass jacket. But i’ll get there!

This is just my tiny way of saying thanks to all of your support!

-First is a keychain with a gold star accessory. The art has a Diamond hologram effect to it .(make sure to remove the plastic on both sides when you receive em)

-And a simple art pin(no tiny details like the keychain because I don’t want the quality to be bad when printed into a small item)

-I will be messaging for a complete  address and name or (fake name) ..whatever you prefer —-I’ll dm one by one so pls wait for my message if ever. If you are not comfortable giving your address , it’s totally okay. I can skip you , once again , thank you nonetheless!

-I made some changes on who to give these to (since Christmas is close anyway, I might as well!) for 5$ tier, just need to be subbed for 2 months. But this will be given to all 10$+ (pins) and (keychains) for the 20$+ . I only have 12 keychains cuz they too expensive 😭soweee 

-I have a very limited amount and  this design is a one time thing 🥰and my very first freebie! Hope you all like it 🥰!




So fluffing cute!


Yes! I want one I’ll put it on my key fob for my car!