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" You’re ok. Just don’t speak. I’m going to remove my hand from your mouth, little cutie, and I just want a few moments of peace and quiet so I can gaze into your beautiful eyes and appreciate you. You wouldn’t want to ruin my moment now, would you?!"


Gentle, Dom Yandere cuffs you to herself so she is free to spend time adoring everything about you.

Script by: Edgiscript

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-if you notice a long silence in the end(for audios only), it's because I wanted you guys to just fall asleep to actual ambience as if she's just there waiting for you to really fall sleep.



Emperor Nemean

You make perfect yandere audios...almost as if you're....an actual....yandere....


The tumbnail art is really cute, I love the big glasses. I agree that the long silent ambience at the end is emersive and great to fall asleep to. And your voice is so soothing. Amazing job on all fronts.

Bryan N. A. H

As a great person once said ""I'll never let you go" Me: "But who said anything about going?""