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HP 3



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The reason Harry has to keep returning to the Dursely's every summer is because, when Harry's mother cast herself in front of the curse cast by Voldemort, Dumbledore was able to weave a charm in order to protect Harry and when he left Harry on Petunia and Vernon's doorstep, he left him with a letter explaining everything to Petunia.


From the book: "While you can still call home the place where your mother's blood dwells, there you cannot be touched or harmed by Voldemort. He shed her blood, but it lives on in you and her sister. Her blood became your refuge. You need return there only once a year, but as long as you can still call it home, there he cannot hurt you. Your aunt knows this. I explained what I had done in the letter I left, with you, on her doorstep. She knows that allowing you houseroom may well have kept you alive for the past fifteen years."