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loveeee these. Have you sen The Vampire Diaries? if not u should totally react, seems like it would be up your alley


"Why is everything so aggressive in Hogwarts?!" I had to laugh at this considering some parts in future movies lol, it's like you were foreshadowing the entire series lol. Remember, they introduced Scabbers, Ron's pet rat in the first movie where Ron tries to do a spell that Fred and George taught him to turn him yellow and Hermione scoffs saying, 'Well that's not a very good spell, is it?'. A fun tidbit to know - Alan Rickman (Severus Snape's actor) approached J.K. Rowling quite early on and asked to know what happens at the end of the series. He felt that it was something he, as the character, needed to know, in order to give his best performance. He was the only actor who knew what was coming. I love how perceptive you are when it comes to the writing and character development and plot stuff. Calling attention to Neville and your prediction is super impressive! I can't wait to see what else you pick up from the rest of the movies! In the books you get a bit more background about Ron's Dad. Arthur works for the Ministry of Magic - it's like the Wizarding world's government - in the Misuse of Muggle Artifacts office. They are responsible for making sure that every day objects enchanted for other purposes do not get circulated out into the muggle population. So, when Ron's mom said that his father was facing an inquiry at work it was because Ron's dad loves everything about muggles and are fascinated with them and with tinkering on muggle stuff and he'd enchanted the car to fly - and muggles saw it because of Ron and Harry.