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A little LA update for my cinema/Hollywood lovers :) After going to LA back and forth from the east coast over the last 6 months, I just signed with an acting agent. You guys have heard me talk a little bit about my acting journey, which started recently. I booked my first acting role in LA in August 2023, and now in March 2024, a huge weight has been lifted off of my shoulders after hitting this milestone. Do you need an agent to be an actor? NO. Does it help a lot to have someone on your team when submitting to roles? YES. An agent is there to pitch their clients, they can't get an actor a job, but they can fight for their actors and encourage them/ guide them when auditioning. Just to have someone to look over your self tape before submitting is a big help. I was staying with a friend in West LA, and she drove me to my agent meeting all the way in Studio City, about a 30 minute drive. I knew to leave early though because LA traffic can be tricky and my meeting was at 4 pm on a Friday: yeah, good luck with that time! I left a good hour early and lo and behold there was an accident on the Coldwater Canyon Drive, which is a very windy and scenic road that connects to the infamous (aka David Lynch's movie name), Mulholland Drive. (God, what I would do to work with David Lynch one day?!) Luckily we had enough time to really enjoy the scenic drive because 1. we left early, and 2. I was blasting classical music in the car, which I do anytime I feel nervous. Beethoven calms the soul, did you know? I knew this was going to be my agent just by doing my research, I just had THAT intuition and gut feeling. You have had it before...It's just a KNOWING kind of thing. I had other meetings with agents, but deep down I knew he was "the one" (Yes, like NEO!) He had been in the business for 40 years and has seen it all. When I walked into his office our energy was magnetic and before he even spoke I was like YUP LET ME JUST SIGN ON THE DOTTED LINE. I left the meeting with a "talk soon", but inside, the little girl in me was jumping up and down because I knew later that night I was going to email him saying, SO, when do we start?! My friend scooped me up and we went to go celebrate at Casa Vega, an iconic Mexican restaurant that has been operating in the San Fernando Valley of Los Angeles for over 65 years. My friend grew up in Los Angeles so she knows all about the history and the best hole in the wall bars/places to eat. We got two seats at the bar and two margaritas. I munched on the rotisserie chicken and she got some veggie burritos. It was a great way to celebrate a really important day for me. PS I wore the open back turtleneck sweater dress for my meeting with black kitten heels. The simple, but classy look really sold what I was going for that day :) All photos are taken in Casa Vega or right outside. XO Colette Cherry



JD Onesi


Em McG

oh lovely. I used to drive Mullholland for fun = ) Sounds like you're on your way... hope it works out... Break a leg! =D