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I'll be publishing a chapter of my dragon ball story later today, but after that I'll focus on my Eragon one. I wanted the former to be a palate cleanser for me, but I write too slowly to do both. I doubt most of you would've cared that much about it anyway. The only reason I'm bothering with a second chapter is because I'm mostly done with it.

But yeah. Idk why, but I struggle to stay consistent. Mostly, I'm just sometimes not in the mood, and if I don't write for a day, the next day's word quota is even harder to meet. I think you guys are familiar with that kind of thing. It's a vicious cycle in all walks of life. When you put something off, and it just gets harder and harder because you have a bunch of work piling up. And because it's so much effort, you put it off even more...

Ugh. Anyway, it's not all doom and gloom. General laziness and fiddling with the dragon ball story set me back a few days, but I already started chipping away at the next chapter for the eragon fic.


(Though, it does depend on you guys. If I write both, there will *at best* be a chapter for each story every four days. So I'd be taking two days to write for one story and two days for the other. Before I started messing with this, I was trying to write a chapter for my eragon fic every two days, but I was struggling with that. Would you guys rather I just focus on eragon or write this as well. I'm willing to do either.)



I liked the db fic tho


Me too. If I could, I would love to write both, but best-case this would result in a 4 day gap between subsequent chapters (so 1 chapter for each story every 4 days). I'm not sure if people are OK with that. Though, it might not be such a big change given I'm already taking about 3 days to release a chapter. I dunno.


Well put it on the backlog atleast and write your thoughts on it down

HSG 1999

I’ll just say for the sake of honesty, I’m only here for the Eragon fic.