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The mood around the breakfast table was somber. The source—Vivi. Attempts were made to lighten up the atmosphere, but they all fell flat. Eventually, Nami lost her temper, throwing her knife and fork down.

"Why are you like this, Vivi? No, I know why, but you're... there's no reason to-..."

Before she could finish, Vivi sighed, putting on a calm smile.

"...sorry everyone. I'm indeed feeling a little sad. Having to part with you all today... is a lot harder than I expected."

Off to the side, Luffy crossed his arms. He stared at her seriously.

"What are you saying? Just come with us! If staying here makes you sad, why do it?"

Sanji shook his head.

"Don't be hard-headed, Luffy. Vivi is being responsible. Something you wouldn't understand."

"Hey, that's mean, Sanji."

"I'm just telling the truth."

Vivi laughed, though it sounded a little weak.

"Thank you, Luffy. I can't leave with you, but you'll at least come visit me, right?."

"Of course."

"You can bet on it, Vivi-chan."


"Yeah! Just wait for us. We'll take you out to sea one day, no matter what!"

Hearing their enthusiastic answers, Vivi's gaze grew blurry. Taking out a handkerchief, she wiped her face.

"Sorry, I have a little dust in my eyes. I'm going to use the restroom."

Pulling her chair back, she stood, walking briskly over to the dining hall's door. She pulled it open, stepping into the hallway.

Everyone in the room was silent. It wasn't easy for them either, parting with a friend they'd gone through thick and thin with. But Vivi insisted, so they had no choice.

Eventually, Nami stood up, following after her.

"I'll check if she's okay. You guys just... stay here."


In the bathroom, Nami leaned against a wall, watching as Vivi rinsed her face.

"...don't tell me that asshole's the reason you're like this? You're too innocent, Vivi. You shouldn't be so easily influenced by a man's sweet words-..."

"It's not that, Nami-san. I'm just... going to miss everyone. And you shouldn't be so hard on Jack. He left because he wanted to help Luffy's brother."

Nami's mouth hung open.

"Vivi, you... can't be serious. He messed around, and then he ran away. That's what guys like him do!"

Turning her head, Vivi stared at Nami. Her eyes flicked briefly to the band-aid on an exposed stretch of Nami's chest.

"Do you really believe that? You looked like... y-you had fun with him. Last night."

Nami groaned, her face reddening.

"It was a mistake. I drank too much, as did you! It won't happen again. Definitely not."

Vivi hummed. Meeting her own gaze in the mirror, she adjusted her hair.

"Do you think... he'll visit me? Ah, you still have his things, right? Why don't you leave them here? I'll look after it in the meantime."

Nami growled.

"No, I'm getting rid of them! I don't understand... is it because he's a little good-looking? What about that Koza? Weren't you two childhood sweethearts?"

Vivi shook her head.

"We're... not like that. Me and Koza are... just friends."

"Are you sure? I got a subtle feeling when I saw you two together..."

"It's just your imagination."


The conversation languished for a moment, Nami and Vivi making eye-contact in the mirror. Eventually, Vivi smiled.

"Thank you, Nami-san. I know you're just worried about me. But I can take care of myself."

Nami sighed.

"You're right. You're a big girl. And I won't be around anyway."

Seeing Vivi's expression turned downcast, she hurriedly waved her hands.

"Of course, I'll come see you. We're friends, right? I'm sure it won't be that long. A year at most. When everything's settled here, you can come with us, like Luffy said."

Closing the distance, she held Vivi's hands. It eventually progressed into a hug, one they maintained for a long moment.

Vivi rubbed her back.

"Let's return. I don't want to worry everyone."


Exchanging words back-and-forth, the two made their way back to the dining hall. The atmosphere seemed upbeat, but it was only on the surface. Their imminent parting weighed heavily on their minds. In such a dangerous world, who knew when they'd meet again—if ever?


Dusting off her hands, Nami looked out over the ocean. Some flotsam was scattered over the water—articles of clothing, a briefcase or two, a comb, a toothbrush, a blanket... Having gotten rid of everything, she turned around, heading to the main deck.

"Is it ok to just throw everything into the ocean?"

Nami glanced at Robin, who sat on a chair with her legs crossed.

"It's all wood, fabric or leather. The ocean can easily digest things like that."

Robin shook her head.

"That's not what I meant."

"Then what did you mean?"

"It's just a little strange... you're all so sad about parting with the princess, but you don't seem to have the same feelings toward your other friend."

It was Usopp who replied, sprawled out on the planks. His expression was listless.

"...what's the point in worrying about Jack? He'll be fine without us."


"He's not alone either. Ace is with him."

"And Vivi is a lot nicer than him anyway. And cuter. And less annoying..."

Robin's eyes flicked toward Zoro, Luffy and Sanji. She smiled.

"Wouldn't his feelings be hurt if he heard what you all said?"

Nami snorted.

"Does that bastard even have feelings-...? Whatever. Let's not talk about him anymore."

She brushed her bangs out of her face, taking a seat next to Robin.

"I'm surprised you decided to come with us."

Robin chuckled, slowly stirring her coffee.

"Your captain asked me so insistently. How could I refuse? Besides, this is convenient for me too."

Nami looked at her suspiciously.

"What do you mean?"

"With Baroque Works' collapse, I don't have anywhere to go."


Narrowing her eyes, Nami didn't exactly seem satisfied with the answer. It was no surprise, given they were originally enemies. Though she didn't kick up much of a fuss either.

“I still feel you’re not being entirely honest.”

Robin shrugged.

“That may be so.”

“You’re admitting it?”

Laying on the ground, Luffy waved a hand casually.

“Don’t worry, Nami. She’s not a bad person. Jack said so too.”

“That makes me even less inclined to trust her…”

She sighed.

"...well, we already had a suspicious person with us, so I guess it's nothing new."

Robin giggled, covering her mouth with one hand.

"I'm looking forward to working with you all. You seem like nice people."

"Me too, Robin-chwan~..."

"Hehe, it's going to be fun!"


"B-Baka! That won't make me happy, or anything..."


A few people sat around a small, wooden table, drinking and playing cards. One of them, a seven foot tall man with dark skin and a buzzed head, slowly showed his hand.

Seeing what he'd revealed, Jack grunted dissatisfiedly. He threw his own cards into a pile.

"Damn. I'm out. Again. We're playing for money, not blood, 'Mr. 1'. Please calm down."

Mr. 1 said nothing, simply looking at Ace. From his calm expression, it seemed the other pirate was still in the game.

Jack shook his head, glancing at Ace.

"Why are you so good at this? Luffy plays like an old blind man."

Ace smirked. He laid a card on the table with confidence.

"He's just too honest."

"...well, please avenge me. We're travelling together, so we basically share a purse."

"Don't worry, don't worry. I'll toast these guys in no time."

There was a moment's silence, the only sound being the shuffling of cards and clacking of cups against the table. Mr. 3 gave a dissatisfied snort, tossing his own cards into the pile. Being two against two, he was Mr. 1's partner.

"I don't see why we're acting chummy with them, Mr. 1. These... people are meant to be keeping watch. We just need to make sure they do their job."

Mr. 1 ignored him. Now, it was just him and Ace.

Jack tried to keep up with their plays, but it was a struggle. He'd never been much good at cards to begin with, and these didn't work like the ones from Earth. He soon gave up, draining the last of his cup with a boot on the table.

Eventually, the game came to an end. Ace was victorious, sweeping the meagre amount of money over to their side. Nobody had bet very much, because they didn't have much to bet in the first place.

He grinned.

"It's been a pleasure, gentlemen. I'd invite you for another game, but... I only play when there's something to win."

Shoving the mix of notes and coins into his satchel, he glanced at Jack.

"You're really terrible at this, though. Maybe it's better for me to have a one-on-one next time..."

Jack shrugged.

"Never practiced cards much. I was busy with other stuff."

Ace chuckled.

"Sure, sure. Whatever you say."

Having sat for a long time, he stood, taking the opportunity to stretch. He patted Jack's shoulder, pointing at the satchel.

"This beer's going right through me. Keep an eye on that. I'm stepping out for a moment."

Jack nodded. The door opening and closing behind him, he strapped it around his waist. He smiled at the agents.

"I'm a little surprised. I'd have thought you guys would bail when your operation failed. But you're still here. Especially you, Mr. 1—or should I say, 'Daz Bonez'. Why would an ex-bounty hunter like yourself be willing to work for free?"

The big man just looked at him.

"What business is that of yours?"

"I'm just curious."


Seeing an answer wouldn't be forthcoming, Jack shrugged.

Across from him, Mr. 3 was giving him the stink-eye.

"Hmph, you filthy pirate—trying to sow discord. Don't think I don't know what you're doing. You won't succeed."

Sighing, Jack played with his empty cup, balancing it on one edge.

"You're overthinking. We're literally in the same boat now. Why would I cause trouble? How would it benefit me?"

Mr. 3's eyebrow twitched. He crossed his arms, not saying anything.

If Jack had his way, he'd be chatting up Ms. Valentine instead of being stuck with these louts, but he wasn't calling the shots. He leaned back in his chair, an uncomfortable silence stretching in the room.

Fortunately, it wasn't long before Ace returned. Standing in the doorway while adjusting his belt, the pirate jerked a thumb over his shoulder.

"...I think you might want to take a look at this. There's, well, a ship coming up behind us. Might be marines."

Mr.1 and Mr.3 exchanged glances. They stood up simultaneously. They brushed past Ace, the taller agent having to duck under the frame.

Jack sighed.

"Things were getting a little boring, so I guess this is fine. But if Smoker is here with his girlfriend... it might be troublesome."

Ace laughed boisterously, smacking his stomach. A belch escaped his lips.

"If it helps me work this cheap alcohol out of my system, then I'm all for it!"


A while later, most of the crew were on deck. Crocodile had gotten a telescope from somewhere, peering into the distance. He took a good look before grunting, handing the lens to a subordinate.

"It's them."

Behind him, Mr. 2 twirled, striking one pose after another.

"Un, Deux, Trois—don't worry, Zero-chan. We'll show them we're not joking around. Those marines will regret messing with us!"

Crocodile sent him an annoyed look before shaking his head.

"No. You two, get over here."

The latter was directed at Ace and Jack.

Ace scratched his head.

"Hmm? What's the matter?"

"You're going first."

"Why does it have to be us?"

"Didn't you say you'd be our muscle? Or was that a lie? In that case, get off this boat right now."

Sighing, Ace waved his hand.

"Don't be so serious. I'll do it."

Crocodile's eyes narrowed, glaring at Jack.

"What about you? Not satisfied?"

"...if Ace is fine with it, I am to."

"Good. Then get going."

Extending a golden-ringed finger, Crocodile pointed at the Marine vessel. Its crew was already hustling-and-bustling, reading the cannons to fire.






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