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Ace ate voraciously, only interrupting his meal to take the occasional sip of water. Across from him, Crocodile watched on, a cigar dangling from the corner of his lips. A vein pulsed near his temple.

He glanced to his left, where two figures prostrated—Mr. 5 and Mr. 3. Their faces were almost comically swollen.

“C-Crocodile-sama, we were a-ambushed-…!”

Crocodile waved his hand dismissively.

“Be quiet. I’m already aware of how useless you are. But to think you couldn’t even complete such a small task…”

Ace laughed boisterously, slapping his knee. Talking with his mouth full, he sprayed rice grains and bits of vegetables and meat over the table.

“F’finth wee ‘ill an emena, ee…”

A piece landing on his cheek, Crocodile’s eyebrow twitched. He looked about one second away from going on a rampage.

Mr. 3 hurriedly stood, taking out a napkin and wiping it off.

“Just give the order, b-boss. We’ll fix the mistake immediately. Even if he’s Firefist Ace, he won’t stand a chance against all of us together-…”

“Shut up! And you, finish eating before you talk. I don’t understand a word you’re saying.”

Ace nodded, thumping his chest. He swallowed, delicately wiping his mouth with a napkin.

“…ah, that hit the spot. As I was saying, I was never after your organization to begin with. There’s no reason for us to fight.”

Crocodile’s jaw clenched, dislodging some ash from the end of his cigar.

“You dare say that to my face?”

“Come on, you ended up escaping anyway. Let’s not have any hard feelings.”


It was a moment before Crocodile exhaled slowly.

“So, what do you want?”

“Know we’re talking! Actually, it’s not much. I was planning to leave on my own, but now I have an annoying guy with me. My boat’s a little small.”

It wasn't hard for Crocodile to get the gist. "You're demanding one of our ships? Ridiculous."

"I'm not that unreasonable. We'll just tag along until we find our own." Ace said.

Crocodile shook his head. "If it was just you... but your 'companion' is the reason we're in this situation."

"Don't be so stiff, he's not gonna cause trouble. You're being chased by the marines, right? Just treat us as extra muscle." Ace belched loudly, picking up his hat and putting it on his head.

Taking a second to think about it, Crocodile fiddled with his cigar. "I'll take you at your word, Fire-fist Ace. But only because you're part of that old man's crew."

Ace chuckled. "It's a deal, then. Oh... and I'd appreciate it if you don't mess with my little brother. Just for now.

"...fine." Bringing the cigar to his mouth, Crocodile exhaled a stream of smoke. Despite his calm appearance, his knuckles were white.

Standing and heading for the door, Ace idly waved over his shoulder. "Then I won't bother you anymore. Thanks for the meal." Shutting it behind him, he left the three men in silence.

"As expected of you, b-boss... This way we can get rid of them both. Those idiots won't even see it coming." Mr. 3 said, forcing a smile.

Crocodile sent him a dangerous look, causing him to shrink in fear. "Keep an eye on them. For now."

Mr. 3 nodded vigorously. "O-Of course. We w-won't bother you anymore, Crocodile-sama. Come along, Mr. 5." Beckoning to the other man,




Smoker stood on the prow of a certain ship, his cigar smoke trailing in the wind. He looked out over the open ocean. “Those damn pirates… I shouldn’t have left Tashigi alone. It was my mistake.”

“No, it was Hina’s fault. Hina didn’t think they’d be able to make use of the small time-window of transferring prisoners.” Hina said. She stood behind Smoker, her pink hair fluttering. She laid a reassuring hand on his shoulder. “Hina won’t let any harm come to your subordinate.”

“…it seems I’ll have to give up my pursuit of the Straw Hats for now. I don’t even have a boat.” Stuffing one hand in his pocket, Smoker grunted dissatisfiedly.

Hina sighed. “Hina also thinks it’s best to focus on the matter at hand. With his many offenses, Crocodile can’t be allowed to escape.” She patted him once before turning, heading toward the cabin. She gestured at her crew, loitering on the deck. “Don’t just stand around. We’re going after them!”

The with the hustle-and-bustle of sailors, the ship’s engines kicked into gear, its sails billowing in the wind. It started picking up speed.

Smoker clenched his fist, his leather gloves creaking. “Tashigi, wait for me. Those pirate scum… I won’t let them get away.”


A door creaked open, revealing Jack’s tall silhouette. Wearing a vest without a shirt, his muscled, tanned physique was on full display. Eyes twinkling, he made eye-contact with a woman on the other side of the room. “Well, if it isn’t Ms. Valentine. You look well.”

The short-haired blonde sat there with her arms crossed, her breasts one second away from popping out of her skintight top. “It’s you.” She snorted, looking him up and down. “I don’t think you’re allowed down here.”

Smiling, Jack stepped inside, closing the door behind him. He held up his empty hands. “Are you still upset about what happened back then? It wasn’t personal, so let’s not have any hard feelings.”

Ms. Valentine looked at him for a long moment before standing, strutting over in her high heels. She locked eyes with him before extending a hand, running a finger across his cheek. “Alright, handsome. I guess I can forgive you if… you apologize properly.” She smiled provocatively.

“Hmm, but I remember you giving me a hard time too. Maybe you should be the one apologizing.” He said, grabbing her hand, now circling his chest.

Ms. Valentine leaned closer, bringing her mouth close to his ear. Running her other hand along his neck, she twirled the hair at his nape. “Then, how about you tell me… how I should apologize.” She said, giggling.

Jack wrapped an arm around her waist. He lifted her easily, holding her at eye level. His other arm supported her from below, one hand placed on her butt.

Ms. Valentine fluttered her eyelashes prettily.

On top of having a bombshell figure, she was very attractive—not losing out to Nami or Vivi at all. She had a bit of, well… craziness to her, but in Jack’s opinion, it only added to her charm. It reminded him of a slightly manic hairdresser he dated in the past.

He ran his fingers along her spine, causing her to wriggle cutely. Was she ticklish?

“I wonder if you’re this friendly with everyone?”

Ms. Valentine huffed, squeezing his shoulder. Her other arm went around his neck, pulling herself closer. Her lips grazed his cheek.

“You’re going to be travelling with us, no? You can see for yourself… if I’m friendly with everyone.”

Jack squeezed her butt. He stared into her bright blue eyes, their noses were almost touching.

“Hmm. I’ll do that.”

Neither of them said anything, though the atmosphere grew steamier by the second. However, before they could get a little more… intimate, a scuffling sound attracted their attention.

Ms. Valentine sighed, brushing hair out of her face. Her expression was exasperated.

“What an annoying woman… it’s such a pain, having to keep an eye on you.”

She turned her head, directing an unfriendly gaze toward a prison cell in the corner. A girl wearing a marine uniform was tied up inside, her pale face flushed red.

“Y-You two know I’m here. How c-can you do… such shameless t-things?”

Jack smiled. He lowered his hand, sliding it under Ms. Valentine’s top. He leisurely enjoyed the feeling of her soft skin.

“Where else are we supposed to do it?”

The blonde snorted.

“You’re so… bad.

“Do you hate it though?”

Ms. Valentine’s reply was wrapping one leg around Jack’s waist, standing on her tiptoes. Her high heel came loose, clattering to the ground.

Jack moved his hand away from her butt, running it along her thigh. Her white stockings fit snugly, highlighting her toned figure. She was quite fit.

Tashigi curled her fists, staring at them with a look of hatred.

“Damn you, pirates! What the h-hell do you want? Even if you do s-something like… that, I won’t talk!”

Her words drew a weird look from Jack. He glanced from her to Ms. Valentine, tilting his head.

“What is this girl saying? I didn’t even know she was here. Why were you chatting with her anyway?”

Ms. Valentine laughed mockingly.

“Oh, I was just keeping watch.”

“Why? I don’t think she’s capable of escaping on her own.”

“Pft, it’s not that. What do you think’ll happen to a captured girl with all these men around?”

Jack blinked. He hadn’t thought of that.

Giggling, Ms. Valentine stroked his cheek.

“You’re more innocent than I expected. It’s cute.”

Before Jack could reply, she gracefully untangled herself from him. After putting her heel back on, she placed a hand on his chest, pushing him away.

“Men aren’t allowed in here, and I can’t make an exception. Leave before you get me in trouble.”

Jack wore a look of exaggerated disappointment.

“I thought you were going to ‘apologize’ to me. Was that a lie?”

Ms. Valentine rolled her eyes.

“When we land again, I’ll take you to have some fun. How about it?”

“It’s a promise.”

Giving her a two-fingered wave, he walked over to the door, opening it. He looked her over one last time, his gaze lingering on her spectacular tits before he smirked, exiting the room.

Ms. Valentine watched him go with an indulgent smile.

“…how shameful. Don’t you have any decency? You barely know that man.”

Annoyed by Tashigi’s jibe, the blonde smacked the cage. It shook violently—the result of her ridiculous strength.

“What do you know? It’s not every day I run into a pretty boy. I need to make the most of it. Besides, if I don’t gobble him up… she will.”

The words had scarcely left her mouth before the door creaked again. Someone entered—a twenty something woman with a seductive figure and stunning features. Her curly blue hair was bound in a ponytail.

“…Miki, gossiping behind my back, are you? I’m hurt.”

Ms. Valentine was unamused.

“Talk of the devil and she appears… by the way, don’t call me Miki, Ms. Doublefinger. While we’re on the job, you should use my codename.”

Swaying her hips, Ms. Doublefinger strutted over to the cage, running her finger along one bar. She smiled serenely at the captive Tashigi.

“You poor girl. Just think of what would happen if we didn’t look after you. These men would tear you apart.”

Her eyes flicked toward Ms. Valentine.

“That said, some women’s appetites seem even more voracious.”

Ms. Valentine snorted.

“Don’t give me that act.”

“Wait, who was slobbering over that boy just now?”

“Please. I saw you eyeing him up on deck. What are you doing here anyway?”

Chuckling, Ms. Doublefinger pointed at the captive marine.

“I’m here to relieve you of your duties. Didn’t you want to take a break?”

Ms. Valentine showed a doubtful expression.

“You’re ten minutes early.”

“The upper deck reeks of sweat. I couldn’t stand it anymore.”

“Is that so? Well, if you insist. I wouldn’t mind stretching my legs.”

Giving Tashigi a sneer for good measure, Ms. Valentine walked past, shoulder-checking her co-worker. With her strength, she could’ve easily sent the other woman sprawling, but she only jostled her. Despite their frequent quarreling, there actually wasn’t any enmity between them.

Soon, the door opened and shut again. Ms. Doublefinger glanced at the marine, who’d crawled into a corner.

“Don’t look like that, dear. No man would dare lay a finger on you—not with this big sister here. Though…”

She paused, giving Tashigi a once-over.

“…there might not be much danger of that. You’re a little… plain.”

The girl’s face distorted, but she managed to hold back her anger. Gritting her teeth, she pulled her denim jacket over her shoulders.

“You pirates… definitely won’t get away with this…”


 AN: Sorry if it was a little messy. I had to write on different computers, so chunks were pasted together.







Stanley Seymour

Thank you for the chapter! It is deeply appreciated and man I enjoyed this!