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Ive been considering learning blender and unreal to start making NSFW games.

The trade-off however is I'd make significantly less animations, and would drop the patreon animations down to a couple a month, I could still show progress on games and stuff, but it'd be very slow as I learn how things work.

What would your opinions be on that? Supportive? Against? You guys' opinions matter A TON to me considering all of you like my stuff enough to actually throw money at me.



I personally love the idea. You could do polls on what kind of animations to do along with ones you think of. Really liked that one you made recently with the lizard and the snake~


Go for it


Sure, go for it! Also, you could take commissions to feature original characters within your games if you'd like another route for income.


I appreciate you reaching to new horizons and I do believe it would be a good way to not feel burned out or repetitive on the same work methods, just be careful on the lack of content and progress. It's like I used to love Mrsafetylion a lot for his video projects, mostly cause they were very favorable. Then there was the jump to visual novel game beta's and though the first one was fun, the consistency of content on n both parts games and animations where sounding way to quiet for long periods of times. Then the re-release of old projects was kind of bothersome but that's something else. Point is that if you feel you can provide us fans with good promise on the games while also keeping true to your animation's maybe not a lot on the month but something each month, maybe even some screenshots, streaming, or just a post (on the game) on progress with out spoilers much (if you so choose,) then yeah I'd support you 100% Just know your limits and if anything ask us more on what we'd want from you. If anything we wouldn't want to see your fruits go down the trash, just get one apple out before setting up the whole tree.


I wouldn't go crazy into it, just maybe instead of animating sometimes I'll try to figure out the programs. I'd definitely still make animations if for nothing else because I like to put stuff out frequently


It really depends on the game, a side scroller adventure game or fighter game could be interesting, but there's very high completion for those types in the furry community. Same can be said about dating simulators. If you'd want to make a game, it would take quite a bit of time and work, and if your idea is one of the 3 above, there's a high chance it maybe be for nothing. If your planning to use 3d models, it would be incradiable if you made an open world game, or some kind of team game, both of which haven't been done in the furry community...well, done good at least. Though, the lewdness factor would make it very attractive. This would be a huge choice, and can easily break you, or really make u.


A digital card game with animations based on the characters you've used, with sexy spells and different effects could be really cool, and definatly something not seen before


I think most would prefer quality over quantity. No offense, but I feel you should spend more time on the animations to make them a bit more detailed


I’d love for you to make NSFW games. Go for it if that’s what you really want. I’d love to see what you would come up with. Also I agree with Aurin about you could do polls about certain aspects of your game if you need help.


Going with the idea of a game, what if it were a subscription like patreon? Rather than doing SFM on patreon, a subscription type game where you would insert new animations periodically with updates would be great to see. I'd happily pay something for that


If you made a game I would wait years for it and pay top dollar as well. It would be absolutely worth the wait!


Definitely would support the idea of a game bases on dara as she travels through dungeons completing missions. With a dice roll mechanic which will determine if a sex scene gets triggered or not