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Hey Gang! 

Alright guys and gals, I hope your ready to end the year with a sailor bang. Today I'm dropping two pieces. 

First up, the Sailor Moon Remaster, with new additions and an extended ending that builds upon the story. Unfortunately this scene is not in 4K. While that was my goal that I sought out to do, I kept running into issues with the software I was using. Issues like visual artifacts in various scenes. Also I had the upscaling freeze up over night, which ate a lot of time.

So I made a choice, I can keep on wasting time trying to get this 4K upscaled version out the door, or I can just release this remaster. Which the remaster is higher quality as well. But then I thought, why stop there, I can also make a true native 4K scene to share. Doing this gives you a taste of true 4K and I dont have to keep pushing the release date. 

Sounds like a win win to me. 

Sailor Moon Remaster


Sailor Moon 4K Scene


Okay, with that out the way, I wish everyone a Happy New Year! 2022 has been a wild ride for me and grateful for all the fans who've discovered me a long the way. I have big ambitious plans for 2023 that I'm looking forward to sharing with you soon. 

Stay tuned! 2023 will be wild!

