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I am aware I opening these a tad late but i've had a incredably stress filled start of the year. As it stands right now I will probably take some time (probably through next month) to finish these just to stop me from going insane. I thank you for your understanding.


September Batch 1

November Batch 2 

===YCH's are now open! ===

Hello folks, I will now be opening YCH commissions;

Please note, This bi-monthly reward is a new YCH picture available for commissioning, however I will also make the previous YCH pictures available for commissioning until I decide to retire them.


Commissioning Rules!;

  • Typical Commission rules apply.
  • To request a slot either comment below, or send me a private message (Discord messages are also acceptable). Please also specifiy which YCH you want.
  • These Commissions will be available to all my patreons regardless of tier.
  • This will be a first come first serve commission list, however I will generally try to accept as many as I feel comfortable with and with characters I am okay with, I reserve the right to refuse a commission request if I am not feeling it.
  • I will only be accepting female characters.
  • Reference images are required, text descriptions will not be accepted.
  • A single person can request multiple slots if they so wish, but I will priorities doing other people's characters first before coming back to the additional characters.
  • These Commissions will be Fully shaded and coloured.
  • What you see is what you will get! If you wish to have something added to a picture like a character's arms or breasts you MUST tell me. I cannot read minds!
  • NSFW additions are perfectly acceptable, if you wish to have a NSFW version made please add it to the request and I will give you a 'Yes' or 'No', depending if it is something I will draw.

Payment related info;

  • A single slot is £25.
  • Payment will be made via Paypal Invoice shareable link. Sending me an E-mail address is not required!
  • Minor additions and/or alterations will not incur additional fees.
  • Complex designs, extensive additions and/or alterations or adding attire will incur an additional £5+ fee which I will be the adjudicator of.
  • Payments must be paid in full before I will start on your commission.


Currently Available YCH's;
September 2021 - Booty Shot

November 2021 - Jack-O Shot

February 2022 - Hearty


Current Commission list:

1: Sithlordeclipse (1x Slots, February 2022) [COMPLETED!]
2: Bliss+Blood (2x Slots, February 2022) [COMPLETED!]
3: Artorian Runaan (1x Slots, February 2022) [COMPLETED!]
4: Aero Tatsu (1x Slots, February 2022) [COMPLETED!]
5: FrostTheWizard (1x Slots, February 2022) [COMPLETED!]
6: Justsomeboredgerman (1x Slots, February 2022) [COMPLETED!]
7: Andrew Hazardline (1x Slots, February 2022) [COMPLETED!]
8: Whodat (2x Slots, February 2022) [COMPLETED!]
9:  (x Slots, ) []
10:  (x Slots, ) []

=== CLOSED! ===



Might as well take the plunge as I've been meaning too for a while since I got my personal character commissioned, I'll take a slot for the latest one.


Sure thing, at your own leisure send me a message with the details

That guy

I’d like to take a slot for one of my characters. So do I just do you in discord to set it up?