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Hello everyone! This months patreon picture is almost done so I figured I would post this now while it's still fresh in mind.

So I quite enjoyed the voting last time so I fugured why not do it again, only this time, I have a theme in mind! I figured I would do this 10 days in advance just so all my active supporters gets a chance to put a vote in and lets everyone know what the theme for next month is.

The vote will be held on a different post, i'm making them seperate for the sake of reaching a wider audience and saving on clutter.

As for the theme, it will be a NSFW 18+ D&D themed picture, because why the hells not? The girls I list here will be themed as a D&D adventurer!

And no Fan Art requests this time, purely a choice between five characters and two senarios.
The themes being;

Random Encounter with a Tentacle Rod and Rituals of Nymphology / Blue Magic.
(Those who know a bit about D&D including the random stuff you can find will know what both of those are :D)


As for the characters to choose from...;

1. Mirai, Mah main bae! will be dressed as a Druid!

2. Tashika, SHE TEMPTED FATE, But I think Paladin armour (especially it getting ripped off) would suit her nicely xD (Like I mentioned last time this will probably be the Dragon girl version of her which I desperately need to draw more of)

3. Anina, 'Cause it ain't a party without Anina, this time dressed as a scantily clad Barbarian!

4. Star, Because she deserves love too! and her in a Sorceresses garb would suit her well I believe.

5. Angel, I haven't drawn her in a good long while so maybe we should give her a chance! I'm thinking dressed as a good old traditional Fighter works for this.




2, definitely 2