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 but I couldn't leave Burnside unsupervised.  The time-slip might allow her to get away, or perpetrate some other manner of villainy while I wasn't looking!  I got dressed and awkwardly pulled her assassin's cloak back onto her semi-conscious form.  Then I lugged her down the stairs and out through the Gate into the stone circle.

"Tell me what's going on," I commanded the trees as I laid Burnside down on the grassy sward.

"In reference to what?" they rustled in reply.  "We've just been standing here, photosynthesizing and minding our own business."

"What did the rabbits do to prevent me from scrying beyond the forest?"

"They haven't done anything unusual that we are aware of."

"You're sure?  They didn't bury little poppets in the ground or spill milk all around the perimeter?"

"No.  We have our orders to punish them if they get too cozy within reach of our branches."

"Where's Ash Marten?" I asked.  Unfortunately it looked like I would be needing that devious fox's services after all.

"He left."

"I already knew that.  Where did he go?"

"Hold on.  We'll ask around."

I waited for a few minutes while the Voice of the Forest faded off into the distance and then came back.

"Bad news.  We're cut off."

"Cut off?" I repeated, with a sinking feeling.  "What do you mean?"

"The land all around is cleared for settlements and farms.  There used to be a few trees scattered here and there, within rustling distance, that could relay messages to and from the greater wooded world.  Now they are gone.  It seems there is nothing but open fields and meadows in all directions, as far as we can perceive."

I realized I should have made Ash swear that oath after all.

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