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Seems legit.

Also, this month's swimsuit model was standing in thigh-deep water and had a weird grimace on her face, like the sun was in her eyes AND the photographer had just told a raunchy joke.  I changed that expression and I daresay it turned out well.

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Curios things that end in a bombshell. *rimshot*

David Ewell

Good chance the translation is somewhat correct...

Walter Reimer

Appalling to think that the Rotary existed in ancient Egypt.

Simone Spinozzi

i am currently bent in 2. Thanks


maybe that is an old housing development sign? XD also someone needs some cardio and it aint Wadi! ^_^ also that swimsuit pinup is damn fine!! :)


That organization has a long and storied history. March of Dimes, incidentally, used to be the March of Drachmae...


Very nice Kelly pin up ^_^

Merle Blue

"If you lived here..."