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Not only did they find one that was open, they also managed to get ice cream?!?

Serge Skunk would be wise not to divulge this location to the public.



Serge Skunk

Given that look she is seemingly giving Bartholomew, me thinks Dani is teasing him. This looks fantastic! Thank you so much!^^


A fun date indeed. :3


maybe they are in some place where people did the right things and the virus is under control other then here in the usa .theyre both looking cute here

Steviebear Maxwell

Since the Thermopoulos twins are enjoying the beach (separately), it'd probably be fitting for my twins to be having some shenanigans at the beach as well. For my doodle this month, Roman (single snout mark) has crawled up behind Remy (double cheekruff mark) and sneak-pantsed (shorted?) him, much to the shock and surprise of the standing twin. (Scenario inspired by the old Coppertone ads of the dog pulling down on the little girl's swimsuit)


slowly but surely this month will be the beach episode. We should all coordinate to have a hot springs episode. lol

Walter Reimer

Oh, Dani, you tease . . .

Simone Spinozzi

Hmmm... i should ask for some beach trouble next month.