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Welcome to June 2020.  Please remain seated until the month has come to a complete stop.  Meanwhile, you may put in your Doodle requests so your captain will have something to keep him occupied and out of trouble.

1. Requests must appear in the comments of the most recent Doodle post (to ensure I will see them as older posts get pushed down and eventually off the front page.)

2. R rated or tamer.  Nudity OK; female preferred.  No visible boners.  Sex scenes will be composed so genitalia won't show.

3. Keep in mind that Doodle production time is 1 hour maximum, which includes reading & parsing your request and studying any reference images.  More complicated requests may result in a sloppier drawing as I rush to finish it on time.

4. No fan-art of characters from games, movies, comic books, TV shows, or any other corporate-owned media that I can get sued over .. because technically I am making money off of these images.

5. Deadline is June 23.  Any requests received after that date will be rolled over to July.



King Adler the Prudent, late in his reign. He's feeling a little better than normal, though he's still sitting in a chair. He's being attended to by one of the Royal Nurses, one of a group of specially trained ungulates from the South Country, that attend upon the royal skunks. She is dressed in the fashion mandated by King Adler (powder blue in colour).

Serge Skunk

After seeing those lovely skunks in lingerie I think for this month's doodle I wanted to request if I could get a picture of my character Miranda wearing some of that same sexy lingerie as well. I figure she's being extra flirty as well, either to the viewer or my character Gabriel, (who is looking very pleased and impressed with what he sees)


Rina sitting on the edge of a bed in a towel after a recent shower. There is someone under the covers but you can't make out who. Rina would have the following speech bubble "Look... I'm just saying I like both of them! I just can't understand why they can't be as close as we are..." She should have the sorta "Come hither" eye's looking over her shoulder at the one hidden under the sheets.


I would like Krista Blonde to meet Duchess Catherine, the Duchess has seen Kristas bullying ways and remarks to her in her accent 'oh child you remind me of my own deer self at your age" :"yeah whatever old lady ,you got any candy?"

Walter Reimer

Miss Thompson and Wise Professor Skunk. The two of them, naked save for WPS' mortarboard, under a sheet (we see Thompson's breasts) amid a sea of books. Thompson is looking up and saying, "How could I resist? Knowledge is sexy!"


I can picture the Duchess taking Krista under her wing, like some kind of Unseelie padwan...

Major Matt Mason

Ooo-er takes the Raccoon Queen into an angry, passionate lip lock as an aghast Wolf Queen (in TempCorps uniform) and concerned Tali look on. WW5 and the others as background silhouettes if possible, but not necessary.

Simone Spinozzi

Philepetra: https://www.furaffinity.net/search/@keywords%20Philepetra Drawn like one of 'em french girls https://geeksoncoffee.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/08/death-note-memes-25.jpeg (😂)

Steviebear Maxwell

It's my birthday month again! Still throwing a birthday-suit-only party, only this time I want to see a naked floozy bursting out of a giant cake while yelling "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!". And thus pelting my panda character (who's cheering at the "surprise") with cake bits and frosting.


A bust of Thunderhoof. He's a handsome man.