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PK has been found guilty of lollygaggery in the first degree!




"That's an extry 5 years fer bad grammar, son! You shoulda said 'everyone but you 'n ME'."


Lollygaggery? This is an outrage, I have neither lolled nor gagged. The most you can get on me is dawdling or perhaps layabouting. She is still cute tho'. Absolute darling. My heartfelt thanks.

Simone Spinozzi

decapitating loiterers will soon bring loitering down, on account that there will soon be nobody left to loiter. 😈


XD, great picture


Doodle Request: The Duchess of Daisy's gets a lot of love, too much love in fact. I want to see the duchess of Daisy's being forced to eat a cinderblock. She is chained to a table and MacBrock is standing over her with a Claymore in hand (Dressed as Robert E. Lee). LONG LIVE THE UNION!

Walter Reimer

Well, it's only lollygagging. It could be aggravated mopery.