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Expanding into the final extra case was really just so I could get the Trogotronic m/669 and the E950.  After getting the two modules I really wanted, 14hp of leftover space could have taken months and cost lots more money to fill ..but at this point I'm tired of accumulating, so I just decided to finish up quickly with the cheapest combination of modules that would a) fit in the space, and b) still be useful & interesting.

I actually put some consideration into providing each case with essential functions so they can be used independently - so each has at least one oscillator, filter, VCA, clock/trigger source, and CV slope.  All three cases combine for Ultimate Power, but they can also function as stand-alone systems.  I will explore this concept in future videos.


CASE FULL! Evaton CLX mayhem patch

Fancy recordings: http://drphlogiston.bandcamp.com Tip jar: http://ko-fi.com/tegerio Newest music & furry cartoons: http://www.patreon.com/tegerio



Needs more Pict. [<i>Is that reference too obscure?</i>]