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I asked $5+ patrons which of my girls I should focus on for idle doodles and pinups this month, and I got several suggestions but there is no clear winner.  With suggestions weighted for pledge amount and number of iterations / likes, I've narrowed the field down to these choices, and am opening the vote to all patrons $2 and up.

Which femme should I draw this month?  You may only choose one.  Voting ends in 24 hours, so don't dawdle!



as much as I want to see more of Springfield based off of her story It doesnt seem exactly right to me to see pin ups of her. I do think her and cylde make a cute couple though

Simone Spinozzi

None of the two girls i liked are liked as much by the others it seems. 😭 Given Springfield's backstory i'm a bit wary of her pinups. Either she's the sex maniac persona because thunderhoof messed with her "settings" or the grumpy one induced by "the patch"... In both cases it feels it's like i'm looking at a rape victim that's been lobotomized doing pinups and in no case she's what she would have been without that massive 🤬 up. So i don't get why people want to see pinups of her.


I agree with this, and Rick's comment. That's why I voted for the SALV.

Simone Spinozzi

I voted for the Classic American Fembot 😉

Simone Spinozzi

@tegerio I'm having a conversation with Marzo about Springfield. The way i saw it, the timeline was as such: 1) Thunderhoof fools around with Springfield, But in order to fool around with her he fiddles with her emotions, ending up getting Springfield constantly on "sex-crazed". 2) Thunderhoof locks Springfield down to zero libido because he does not want to take any responsibility for what happened. 3) Zandar convinces Thunderhoof to remove the lock. Establishes how much Springfield was damaged. 4) Zandar tries to see if she can solve Springfield's state in any way. She comes up with nothing. 5) Zandar gets the Special Sauce to see if she can use that to set the emotions of Springfield back to normal. Thus i saw a tragedy arc where the damage was so extensive it could not be undone, the original Springfiels is no more in any way, except for the body. What's inside her, letting her act "somewhat normal" is not Springfield. It was "the lock" from Thunderhoof before, it's the "whatever" from Zandar now. Evidenced by at least Clyde not recognizing her at all (probably more people, but only Clyde was shown). To me Springfield at this moment is little more than a changeling taking up Springfield's appearance. What Marzo saw, instead is that Zandar "healed" her psyche, and the fact that Clyde does not recognize her is due to the lock being there no more and that she behaves in subtly different ways. Since both these things could be real, i'd like a "word of the creator" on this. 😅


About point five I refer you to page 82, Zandar to John: "The rest of this should make up for what you took from Springfield"; and page 88, Zandar to Springfield: "That's your body shutting down while your mind re-organizes itself", and "I replaced something that John Thunderhoof took from you". Clyde does not recognize Springield because Zandar erased her out of his memory (page 38).