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Here's something a bit more interesting which I finished up .. two weeks ago? .. three?? .. as I was getting over the unpleasant springtime cold I had.

SPOILER ALERT:  Lyrics follow.  Reading them may spoil the fun of trying to decipher the droning robot voice.




Only when I laugh does it hurt here, underneath my shirt here, where the gears turn, right beside the heartburn.  Take me to the intern.  Got to see the nurse, cause my condition is worse than recommended.  Some functions are suspended.  My cogs are clogged and some processes have ended.  I don't know if the damage can be mended.  Want to hear about my symptoms?  Then listen:  Yesterday I threw a piston, so my flywheel torque got shifted off to this one.  It's not rated for the load, so I ran to the commode to flush out my coolant (shouldn't have to do it).  My pressure gauge is red, there's ringin' in my head, so right away I spew it; watch the needle drop and everything stop.  My mainspring wheel ain't turnin'.  I'm layin' on the floor and my forehead is burnin'.  Needless to say, I'm not great.  In fact I'm in a state you might call a condition.  I need a technician to make a diagnosis.  What I got, is it an itis or an osis?  If we name it, we'll find a way to tame it; flush out my oil or reset my boiler.  If there's an indication for extra lubrication, I'm ready to comply without a moment's hesitation.  For heaven's sakes, I'll do what it takes to restore my systems to full operation, get booted up and back on the rails before my redundant backup fails.  So despite my fear of needle-nosed pliers, I gotta have the doctor check my wires.  See that my logarithmic rotors are clean, cause I am a very sick beat machine.



Simone Spinozzi

.😍👍 love it. And yes, it's nearly unintelligible, if i did not have the lyrics i doubt i'd have understood it. But it's also something nice.


A robo-aspirin!