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A photo of Woodward Avenue, Detroit, Michigan, 1917.  Look at the name of the tire company on the sign slightly up & left of center.

Time travel is the only possible explanation.



Simone Spinozzi

Alternate reality games are all dandy and fine as long as i know that i'm playing. Movies like "the Game" (1997) are funny only when you're not the subject of "the game". I've had people try and start an A.R.G. on me without telling me we were playing and paranoia was not fun. 😭 This said: - Are you showing us something weird that picked your interest? In which case: nice find! 😁👍 - Or are you trying to start an alternate reality game? In which case: yes i'd like to play! 😁👍


It is an unaltered photo I happened to stumble across on the internet.


I never tire of shipping that brand.


But why tires?? It seems so .. RANDOM. Is it just a convoluted ruse leading toward the 1930s issuance of Kelly-Springfield Tire Co. pinup calendars featuring the company's founders depicted each month in various states of undress and compromising positions?


Huh. Well whadda ya know.. Turns out Kelly-Springfield Tires was founded in the 1890s and still exists today as a subsidiary of Goodyear. It is "the oldest tire company in America" according to Wikipedia, and a Google search reveals that one can buy Kelly tires at Wal-Mart of all places. I would have liked to have received the memo on this sometime before now.