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It must be my crummy connection but the video looks terrible on my end.  It looked fine when I was editing it, and the preview image is hi-def ... Anyway this is a new song (half of it) and a test of the new camera.  Sound quality checks out!

The video is posted publicly on YouTube, so anyone can view it, ASSUMING THEY CAN FIND IT.  You top-level patrons are getting this link as part of the special Super-Secret Double First Class package.


Where You Went To

Working on a new song and testing out the Zoom Q2n camera which just arrived yesterday. Onboard mics sound good!


Simone Spinozzi

I wrote before, but it seems to be lost. Anyway. The image is sharp and the sound is barely audible aside from the uke/guitar combo thing. It felt like listening to a live performance unplugged (from the mic too). I liked it. And i think i'm subscriber #10! 😁👍🎉🎊🎇🎆