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The new AI profile images are very good, but perhaps they should be changed to update dynamically with the status of the player/NPC. Like if an enemy is turned into a slime by another slime, their profile image will remain as whatever they were previously. It's even worse with the player. I ended up pregnant on one level, with my profile image eventually becoming that of the docile preggo. That's fine. The problem is that the image never went away no matter what happened to me or how long I played. Even when I finally ended that game out of frustration with the shrinking after an hour (see below), I was still showing that docile preggo image despite so many TFs having occurred and my not having been pregnant for at least 45 minutes and a good several levels since the image was first set. Unrelated: is there anything that can be done to restore player size after shrinking? I know there is one type of shrinking which shows up in the effects window and will revert after the set number of turns has passed, but there also seems to be another sort of unannounced shrinking forced on the player now during the course of normal combat. Whatever is causing it, I absolutely hate how there seems to be no counterplay against it -- if the enemies decide to keep shrinking you, you may as well start a new game because you're quickly going to end up so small that you can't see yourself.


Update after a bit of testing with the new AI player images: the image getting stuck doesn't seem to be limited to the docile preggo image. Unless I'm mistaken, whatever image you end up with from your first transformation is the image you are going to be stuck with for the remainder of the game, no matter how radically you change from that point. The text description updates as expected, but the image will not change at all.

Andrew Gray

I finally got the issue with book monsters that drop bunnies. I could not reproduce it, but after help from one kind patron i understood what is the cause. I will try to fix it quickly.