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Stream over for today, thank you everyone who stopped by! Spent 6 hours drawing (minus snack break!), working on a Ganondorf lineart, some endhawks smut and coloring an artistic nude lineart I posted here previously last month. I'll finish things up off stream and post fruits of the stream on Sunday 🥰

Hello, I hope everyone's been doing good!

I apologise for the slow start of the month, I've been away from home more than expected which has affected my ability to finish drawings. But! Tonight I'll set up a stream, I have things to sketch, line and color so feel free to join me and hang out while I do just that 🥰

I'll start the stream at around 8pm EEST (10am PDT). I'll update this post with a link to the stream closer to starting.



so excited!! 🫶


I'll check in later! Won't be able to stay for long but I'll say hi!