D.I.E.T. - Version 0.11.0 - Windows OS Being Uploaded Now (Patreon)
Hey everyone!
I'm currently in the process of uploading the next version of D.I.E.T. into Google Drive right now. It's going to take a bit (as I type this, the ETA is saying 8:56 PM EST).
My God do I feel like a real video game developer right now lol. Crunch time baby!!!!
You'll be able to access the game (if you're a a CB Gamers, CB Connoisseur, or CB Philanthropist) by going to the link below and following the instructions:
Some other "update" items:
I'm tired as hell. And I'm late on Food For Thought. Shifting the rest of my posts this week.
Wednesday will be Food For Thought.
Thursday will be CB Connoisseur / CB Philanthropist content.
Friday will be back on schedule with usual posts.
Additionally, I do not have a trailer or promo page ready for the update today. I'm writing this here as my own reminder, but I need to export the Mac version, create a trailer, update DeviantArt, and update WeightGaming forums. I'll worry about the "advertisement" stuff later.
FYI - For those looking for the Mac version... it always takes more time. The reason is that the game is developed on a Windows computer. Once I've finalized the project and cleared it for as many bugs as I can find, I then export the project to Windows and upload the zip. After that file uploads, I then have to save the project folder (not the exported game) to a separate Google folder, download it on a Mac computer, run it through a Japanese Mac visual novel maker (btw I don't speak Japanese), then compress that game folder and upload it to the Google Drive. If I'm awake in an hour then I will start that process tonight.
Thank you all for being so kind and understanding. The March D.I.E.T. update which will be version 0.12.0 (as a reminder) is a "dream" storyline that longer than the stories I usually write ha. I will start working on that this weekend. The goal is to push it out sometime before The Ides of March. Then April will be a different main character.
Much love <3