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🛡️🏔️💪 As the dust settles on the battlefield, the gargantuan form of the vanquished beast lies still before you. Amidst the debris, a faint rumble underfoot draws your party's attention to a crack in the earth where the creature's last thrashings have unearthed something monumental. As the ground splits, a suit of armor, grander than any you have seen, slowly rises on a platform of stone. An armor stands before you, its plates pulsing with an inner light, almost in sync with the heartbeat of the mountain itself. The very air around it vibrates with the promise of untold strength, calling to the worthiest among you to don its mantle. 🛡️🏔️💪


Armor of the Earthen Titan

Armor (plate), legendary (requires attunement)

This armor is said to be forged in the core of a primordial mountain, harnessing the unyielding strength of the earth itself.

While wearing this armor, you gain a +3 bonus to AC.

When you roll initiative at the start of combat while wearing this armor, the earth's ancient magic surges within you. Consult the unmodified d20 result to determine the following effect, which begins on your first turn and lasts until the end of the combat:

1-4: Stone Sentinel's Vigil - The earth grants you its resilience, providing you with 50 temporary hit points. While these hit points last, your speed is halved, and you gain resistance to nonmagical bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage. You also cannot be forcibly moved or knocked prone.

5-8: Granite Grasp - Your strikes bind like the relentless pressure of the earth. On a successful hit with a melee attack, you can attempt to grapple the target as a bonus action without needing to make an Athletics check.

9-12: Earthen Envelop - Your skin turns to stone, increasing your AC by 2. When a creature hits you with a melee attack, they take 1d10 bludgeoning damage from the shards of rock that your armor exudes in defense.

13-16: Mountain's Might - The enduring presence of the mountain flows into you. For the duration of the combat, your Strength score becomes 29, if it isn't already higher.

17-20: Titan's Tremor - The titan's formidable might causes your size to increase by one category, up to a maximum of Huge, for the duration of combat. Moreover, your melee weapon attacks that deal bludgeoning damage create jagged rock shards upon impact, dealing an additional 2d4 piercing damage.



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