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🪶✨🔮 The Spellblood Feather is a curious tool, commonly found in the dusty corners of magic shops or sometimes among the belongings of thrifty wizards. It's said that a pragmatic enchanter first created these quills for apprentice spellcasters. The intention was to save on costly materials, allowing dedicated students to use a bit of their own vitality to fuel their studies.

As these quills made their way into the wider world, they became favored by traveling wizards who found themselves far from civilization and the necessary resources to expand their spellbooks. Now, many spellcasters keep a Spellblood Feather handy, not just for its practicality, but also for the personal touch it adds to their arcane collections. 🪶✨🔮


Spellblood Feather

Wondrous item, uncommon (requires attunement by a wizard)

Fashioned from the plume of a raven. Its shaft is a dark as midnight, and the tip glows with a crimson sheen, akin to a drop of blood against the night sky.

When you find a wizard spell of 1st level or higher, the Spellblood Feather allows you to add it to your spellbook without any gold cost for fine inks. Instead, for each level of the spell you wish to copy, you must reduce your hit point maximum by 1. This reduction lasts until you finish a long rest while not attuned to the quill.

Blood Inscription. Any spell scribed into your spellbook using the Spellblood Feather requires attunement to the spellbook to prepare and cast it. The spellbook becomes a wondrous item, and only the spells written with the quill require attunement to access. Traditional ink spells remain unaffected and can be prepared and cast as normal without attunement.



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