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🌄🌠🧰 This chest, my friend, is not merely a container; it's a gateway to another world, a pocket dimension of peace and beauty.

Let me tell you a tale. This chest, it was said to have been created by a powerful mage, a seeker of secrets and master of the arcane. He wanted a sanctuary, a place untouched by time and the chaos of our world. So, he wove together the essences of distant realms, crafting this chest as a doorway to a haven of his own making.

Over the centuries, the chest passed through many hands, each owner leaving their essence, their story, within its magical confines. The names carved upon it, crossed out one by one, are not just a record of ownership but a tapestry of adventures and dreams.

And now, it's here, before us. A chest that offers more than just safety from prying eyes and a restful pause from our journeys. It's a piece of history, a fragment of a world beyond our own, waiting for the next story to be written within its depths.

But heed my words, traveler. The chest, it has a will of its own. Spend too long within its embrace, and you might forget the world outside, lost in the beauty of its inner realm. It's a treasure, yes, but one that demands respect and caution. After all, even the most serene horizon can hide a storm beneath its calm. 🌄🌠🧰


Chest of Wondrous Horizons

Wondrous item, legendary

Fashioned from dark, ancient wood with ornate metal reinforcements, this large trunk measures four feet in length, two feet in width, and two feet in depth, with a weight of 250 pounds. Handles affixed to the sides suggest it is meant to be carried by two individuals.

Upon its opening, it reveals a pocket dimension in the guise of a valley, serene and subject to the whims of its master, whose landscape may be reshaped by a ritual performed but once a year.

Within this extradimensional space, the chest can contain up to 10,000 pounds in weight and house up to 20 medium creatures. Those inside are shielded from the outside world and become undetectable by divination spells and magical scrying sensors. However, those who dwell within for more than a single day must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw (DC 15) or begin to lose memories of their life outside the pocket dimension, gradually accepting the illusion as their reality. This enchantment can be broken if another creature intervenes, shaking the affected creature or otherwise drawing their attention back to the true world.

Bound to its home plane, the chest defies relocation to other planes. If such is attempted, the chest and its contents are instead transported to the nearest safe spot on the current plane.

The ritual to claim ownership of the chest includes the carving of the claimant's name upon its surface. The chest bears the names of all previous owners, each crossed out to mark the end of their possession, a record of its long lineage.



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