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🕷️🏹💀 This longbow was a tribute to an ancient and nameless spider queen, a being of insidious power and dark majesty. Her acolytes, wielding arcane secrets as old as the forest itself, shaped the bow from woods that had drunk deep of her venom, crystallizing into the teal gems that adorn its surface. The bowstring, a lattice of ethereal silk, hums with the malice of a thousand tiny predators. 🕷️🏹💀


Blight Barrager

Weapon (longbow), rare (requires attunement)

This longbow, carved from bone-white wood with teal crystalline inlays, exudes an ominous aura, its spiderweb-like string ready to weave a tapestry of blight with each arrow loosed.

You gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon.

It has 10 charges and regains 1d6+4 expended charges daily at dusk.

When you hit a creature with an arrow shot using this longbow, you can expend 1 charge to cause the arrow to transform into a venomous spider that bites the target on a hit. The target takes 1 piercing damage from the bite and must make a Constitution saving throw (DC 15), becoming poisoned for 1 minute on a failed save. While poisoned in this way, the target's skin develops 1d6 abscesses at the start of each of its turns. If the creature is hit by a melee attack, one abscess bursts, and the creature takes 1 acid damage plus 1 necrotic damage. Once poisoned by this longbow, a creature is immune to being poisoned by it again for 24 hours.



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