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🔥🛡️🐗 Grimtotem 🐗🛡️🔥

Known for their indomitable spirit and unyielding strength in battle, the Grimtotem tribe has long been a symbol of power and resilience. Their most treasured heirloom is the Grimtotem Warmail, a piece of armor that embodies the very essence of the tribe's legacy.

Forged in the depths of ancient forges, amidst the roaring flames and relentless hammers, the Grimtotem Warmail was crafted to serve the chieftain of the tribe. The armor's distinctive dark red metal, imbued with the heat of the forge and the unbreakable will of its creators, has been passed down through generations. It is said that the tusks adorning the armor are from the mightiest beasts defeated by the tribe's warriors, symbolizing their prowess and dominance.

The Grimtotem Warmail is not just a piece of armor but a symbol of leadership and authority. It is believed that only the worthiest of the Grimtotem can don the Warmail, and doing so grants them the strength of their ancestors. The armor is often at the heart of tribal rituals and is central to the coronation of a new chieftain.


Grimtotem Warmail

Armor (any medium), rare (requires attunement)

Fashioned from dark red metal with black highlights. Adorned with large tusks that symbolize strength and aggression.

While wearing this armor, your Strength and Constitution scores each increase by 1, with a maximum of 20.

Blood Frenzy. When you are reduced to 0 hit points while wearing this armor, you can choose to drop to 1 hit point instead. Upon doing so, you enter a state of "Blood Frenzy" for 1 minute. While in this frenzy:

  • You can make one additional melee weapon attack as part of your Attack action on each of your turns.
  • Your Strength score increases to 24.
  • After the frenzy ends, you suffer 1 level of exhaustion.

This ability can only be used once, regaining use after finishing a long rest.



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