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🦁🛡️💨 In a grand city known for its stately spires and brave defenders, there lived a master blacksmith renowned for his skill and ingenuity. Inspired by the guardian lions, symbols of the city's strength and courage, he embarked on a quest to create a series of armaments that would embody their spirit. This series, which he named the Lion's Pride gear, was intended for the city's royal knights, the fiercest protectors of the realm.

The Lion's Pride gear quickly became famous among the city's warriors. Those who wore it reported feeling a surge of valor and a heightened sense of kinship with their fellow knights. The gear was more than just armor and weapons; it was a symbol of the city's indomitable will and the unity of its defenders. Over time, the Lion's Pride gear became a coveted emblem of honor, representing the heart and soul of the city and its unbreakable spirit in the face of adversity. 🦁🛡️💨


Lion's Pride Armor

Armor (any medium), very rare (requires attunement)

Crafted from durable steel and adorned with ornate designs in yellow and gold, this armor bears the majestic imagery of lions. Despite its sturdy appearance, it is astoundingly light, allowing for ease of movement.

While wearing this armor, you gain a +1 bonus to AC. Additionally, the bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage you take from attacks is reduced by 2.

Lion's Agility. If you have a Dexterity score higher than 13, your speed is increased by 5 feet.

Lion's Maneuver. As a reaction to taking bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing damage, you can move up to half your movement speed without provoking opportunity attacks. This movement ignores difficult terrain. Once you have used this property, you can't do so again until the next dawn.

Prideful Defense. If you have an allied creature within 5 feet of you, you gain an additional +1 bonus to AC.



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