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🐉❄️✨ Whispers flutter across the glistening landscapes, bringing tales from the secluded, frost-kissed glacial groves of a high elven enclave, where artistry and magic intertwine in harmonious concert. It is here, amid the enchanting and lethal beauty of perpetual winter, that a secret of chilling magnificence is forged – the Rimeforged Dragon Visage!

Legend speaks of a blizzard, vast and relentless, conjured by the wrathful might of a venerable white dragon, its icy maelstrom engulfing lands and skies in a tempest of fearsome cold. From the very heart of this mystical storm, a block of unmelting ice was said to be extracted – an essence of the frozen fury that once ravaged the realms.

The high elves, with their intrinsic affinity for magic and artistry, beheld the potential within this eternal ice. Guided by arcane knowledge and an astute understanding of draconic lore, they channeled their skills through decades, perhaps even centuries, sculpting, enchanting, and intertwining elven silver with this frigid essence to form the visages known only to a privileged few.

Every Rimeforged Dragon Visage encapsulates a fragment of that ancient, awe-striking power, reflecting not merely the physical cold but also a spectral, timeless strength borne from the mythical dragon’s tempest. The embedded sapphire, acquired from the hidden depths of elven mines, pulsates with a gentle, mesmerizing glow, a beacon amidst the eternal winter that the helm seems to manifest.

While the true capabilities of these awe-inducing helms remain veiled in mystery and speculation, adventurers and collectors across the realms gaze towards the icy north, where the mystical enclave silently continues their timeless craft, embedding legend and elemental fury into a form both beautiful and terrifying.

Who might uncover the secrets locked within these icy countenances? What powers do they bestow upon their wielders, and at what cost? These questions, enveloped in a frosty shroud of mystery and allure, beckon to those daring enough to seek the Rimeforged Dragon Visage and perhaps, unveil the mysteries entwined within their chilling embrace. 🐉❄️✨


Rimeforged Dragon Visage

Wondrous Item, legendary (requires attunement)

This helm, formed from a mystical, unmelting ice and adorned with sapphire and delicate elven silver, emanates a subtle, chilling aura. The icicles forming a crown-like structure point gracefully backward, while a single, large sapphire embedded in the forehead. Elegant elven silver intertwines with the icy structure, providing a stark, beautiful contrast.

The helmet has 5 charges. It regains 1d4 + 1 expended charges daily at dawn. While wearing it, you can use an action and expend the necessary number of the helmet's charges to activate one of its properties:

Breath of the Frostbinder (3 charges). You exhale a cold wind in a 30-foot cone. Each creature in that area must make a Constitution saving throw (DC 20). On a failed save, a creature is restrained as it's encased in a thin layer of ice for 1 minute. The creature can use its action to make a Strength check (DC 20), freeing itself on a success. The wind also extinguishes unprotected flames in its area.

Sovereign's Sanctuary (2 charges). An icy dome with a 10-foot radius forms around you and remains for 1 minute. The dome provides half cover to those inside and is immune to nonmagical ranged attacks. Creatures inside the dome can cast spells through it.

Rimebind Touch (2 charges). For 1 minute, a touch from your hand sheaths a creature or object in frost. If it's a creature, it must succeed on a Constitution saving throw (DC 20) or be paralyzed for the duration. At the end of each of its turns, a paralyzed creature can repeat the saving throw, ending the effect on a success. Objects touched can become difficult terrain or have their function impaired, at the GM's discretion.

Blizzard (1 charge). You create a 20-foot-radius, 40-foot-high cylinder of a snowstorm at a point you can see within 60 feet. The area is heavily obscured and becomes difficult terrain due to the slick ice. The effect lasts for 10 minutes or until fire damage is dealt to the icy ground within the cylinder.



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