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🐌💍☠️ Deep within the heart of dense forests and concealed in the hidden recesses of underground caverns, the whispers of the Deathsnail resonate. A creature that appears harmless at first, this seemingly regular snail harbors a deadly secret. Disturb its peace, and it initiates an never ending chase, tracking its offender across terrains and boundaries. Its touch, fatal.  🐌💍☠️


Venomshell Seal

Ring, rare (requires attunement)

This golden band, kissed with a hint of green, proudly displays a menacing maw of razor-sharp teeth. The inside of the ring is a vibrant, almost luminous green, and one can't shake the feeling of a slow drip, drip, drip... as though it were perpetually oozing a virulent toxin.

Upon successfully grappling a creature, the wearer can use their reaction to make the ring "bite" the grappled target. The bitten creature must succeed on a Constitution saving throw (DC 5) or become poisoned. If still poisoned at the end of its next turn, the creature drops to 0 hit points. Creatures that succeed on the saving throw become immune to the ring's poison for the next 24 hours.
