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🌌🌀💀 In the remote corners of the world, far from the bustling cities and the well-trodden paths of adventurers, I embarked on a journey to harness the enigmatic essence of the void. The quest was not for the faint of heart, for I sought the elusive Void Ooze. These creatures, neither fully of this realm nor completely of the void, exist in the thin veil between dimensions. My objective was not just to locate one, but to distill its essence and seal it within a vial.

Acquisition of the Void Ooze

Finding a Void Ooze is no simple task. They favor locations where the fabric of our reality is worn thin, places touched by cosmic anomalies or ancient cataclysms. With a team of trusted companions and armed with old manuscripts detailing the signs and omens of the ooze's presence, I traveled to these mystical nexus points, examining them for traces.

The first indication of the ooze's presence is often the echoing whispers, faint and almost inaudible, but undeniably present. It's followed by a distinct drop in temperature, and the very air seems to thicken, resisting every step.

After weeks of search, we found it. The Void Ooze: a gelatinous entity that shimmered with shades of deep purple, continuously shifting and morphing, barely tethered to our world.

The Extraction Process

The process of extraction demanded precision. Using a set of specialized tools, including crystal-infused tongs that vibrated at a frequency disruptive to the ooze, I delicately approached the entity. The tongs were paired with an ornate syringe, forged from moon-silver, known for its properties in drawing and holding otherworldly essences.

Gently, I pierced the ooze, drawing forth its substance. It responded with pulsating patterns, the colors swirling as if expressing its curiosity or perhaps its defiance. With extreme care, I extracted a minute quantity, ensuring that the creature remained unharmed and undisturbed in its habitat.

Sealing the Essence

The final step was the containment. The green poison was already prepared, a concoction of my own making. The base of each vial was layered with the Void Ooze's essence. The two substances, though separate, seemed to communicate, the ooze's pulsations causing ripples in the green liquid.

Using a funnel imbued with warding runes, I slowly poured the poison into the vial, ensuring that the Void Ooze remained undisturbed at the bottom. A silvered stopper, engraved with sealing glyphs, was then placed atop the vial, locking the essence securely within.

The Void Ooze's Toxin was complete. A creation like no other, a fusion of the known and the unknowable. Though many might speculate about its potential uses or effects, only a chosen few will truly understand its power and significance.

For those interested in acquiring such a rarity, know that its existence is scarce, with perhaps less than a hundred of these masterpieces scattered across the world. And for those who dare to use it, always remember the lengths taken to create it and the profound mysteries it holds within. 🌌🌀💀 

Pricing: Gold (GP): 2,500 GP 


Void Ooze's Toxin

Poison (injury, ingested), very rare

Held within a delicate glass vial is a shimmering green poison. At the base of the vial, a layer of purple ooze, reminiscent of the void itself, seems to pulse gently. The liquid emanates soft, enigmatic whispers, and the very presence of the void ooze suggests a deeper, more mysterious origin.

Application. This poison can be applied to a weapon or piece of ammunition. Once applied, it remains potent for 1 minute before drying.

Touch of the Void (Injury). When a creature is struck by the poisoned weapon or ammunition, they must make a DC 17 Constitution saving throw. On a failure, haunting visions temporarily disorient the creature. Their speed is halved, they cannot take reactions, and their next spell or attack is made at disadvantage. This effect persists for 1 minute. At the end of each of its turns, the affected creature can attempt a new saving throw to end the effect.

Darkened Insight (Ingested). Upon consumption of the toxin, the individual's eyes turn an inky black, granting them the capacity to pierce the most profound shadows. For the following hour, they can perceive through both magical and non-magical darkness as if it were bright light. However, exposure to intense illumination has adverse effects:

  • In ordinary bright conditions, the creature must succeed on a DC 15 Constitution saving throw or be subjected to a short-term madness effect (GM's discretion).
  • When exposed to potent light sources, like the daylight spell or comparable magical illuminations, the creature must succeed on a DC 18 Constitution saving throw or suffer a long-term madness effect.

Void Resonance. Those under the toxin's influence can discern the faint whispers with greater clarity. These hushed tones might provide enigmatic guidance, forewarnings, or riddles. The GM has discretion over the nature and reliability of these messages.



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