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🌳🔥🍂 From the depths of the forests comes a majestic creature, the Vernthis Sloth. These elusive beings are known to roam the dense, shadowed underbrush, making their homes amidst the giant trees and hidden glades. Unlike their more common counterparts, the Vernthis Sloth moves with a purposeful slowness, drawing from the ancient energies of the earth and forest.

The Vernthis Sloth's fur, shimmering with hints of earthen browns, fiery reds, and gentle beige, is believed to hold the sloth's accumulated wisdom and latent power. However, skinning one of these creatures is not only a formidable task but is also regarded as a sacred rite by some cultures. The Vernthis Sloth's hide is thick, interwoven with magical threads that resist ordinary blades. Only the most skillful and patient of hunters can obtain the pelt without damaging its magical properties.

Crafting the Pelt of Vernthis from such a hide requires an intimate understanding of the sloth's nature and the world it inhabits. 🌳🔥🍂


Pelt of Vernthis

Armor (hide), uncommon (requires attunement)

Fashioned from the mystical pelt of the vernthis sloth, these pelts encompass the duality of the sloth's nature: deliberate lethargy and latent power. It is dyed in a lavish tapestry of earthen hues – deep browns reminiscent of bark, fiery reds echoing fallen leaves. In stark contrast, tufts of soft beige fur, as delicate as morning mist, adorn the pelts, capturing the sloth's gentle essence.

Patient Onslaught. If you forgo taking both your action and bonus action on your turn, you store the latent energy from the pelt. On a subsequent turn, when you make a melee weapon attack using both your action and bonus action, you channel this stored energy into your attack, dealing an additional 3d8 damage on a hit.

Deliberate Mastery. By spending an additional 10 minutes on any skill check, should you roll a 1 or 2, the pelt allow you to reroll the check and use the new roll.



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