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🌊🔮🌀 Holding this wand is like grasping a living archive that has observed coral cities rise and fall, felt the profound solitude of the deep seas, and heard the songs of creatures long extinct.

The ever-changing dance of light within its orb is more than mere luminescence. Each pulse and pattern is a chapter, a recollection, a fleeting memory of marine majesty from ages past.

And while it watches and listens to the world, the Deepwater Intellect carries a mission. It holds a profound dedication to the balance and well-being of the marine world. Every tidal motion, every gentle caress of the currents—it feels deeply, cherishing the intricate balance of the deep blue. 🌊🔮🌀


Wand of the Coral Confluence

Wand, rare

Whittled from salt-kissed driftwood, this wand gleams with hues reminiscent of a sunken treasure. It cradles an orb, within which a captivating miniature coral maze exists, home to minuscule fish darting in rhythmic dance.

The wand possesses 7 charges. While holding it, anyone can use an action to expend some of its charges to manifest the maritime magic:

Reef Rampart (2 charges). Summon a living barrier of corals and kelp in a line up to 30 feet long and 10 feet high within 60 feet. This barrier provides half cover and lasts for 1 minute. Foes attempting to cross it must succeed on a DC 15 Strength saving throw or be halted, taking 2d8 piercing damage.

Cerulean Pool (3 charges). Designate a point within 60 feet, where a 20-foot radius of tranquil cerulean light blossoms. Allies within this luminance gain 5 temporary hit points each round and benefit from advantage on Wisdom saving throws for the duration of 1 minute.

Deepwave Pulse (4 charges). Direct a potent wave's energy towards a target within 60 feet. The recipient must make a DC 15 Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, they receive 4d8 force damage and are pushed 15 feet away. A successful save reduces the damage by half and negates the push.

At the break of dawn, the wand replenishes 1d6 + 1 of its spent charges. If the wand's last charge is used, a d20 roll is necessary. On a roll of 1, the corals inside the orb dissolve into marine mist, nullifying the wand's enchantment.

Deepwater Intellect. Nestled within the orb is a cognitive essence, a manifestation of the collective memories of the seas. It perceives through both hearing and darkvision up to 60 feet. It communicates with its wielder via mesmerizing light patterns within the orb.

Rooted in millennia of oceanic history, this intellect ardently desires the equilibrium of marine domains.

If it senses actions misaligned with this balance, it might sporadically withhold its magic. However, actions harmonizing with the seas might earn its silent nod of approval.

Tide's Tribute. When the wand's user partakes in actions venerating the vast ocean, they might momentarily feel the ocean's rhythm in their heartbeat. This harmonious connection allows them to cast Command as a one-time use, with a set DC of 15. This unique connection can be felt once per week.



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