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Patreon rewards for December

Mabeelz- Skipped this month

Discosonicdude- Mamori and Eleanora from TMS having grown even more then before and both staring in Microwave Idols together with some problems

TheStarChild-  my oc Yang speading the New Years with Sonic

Hiro- Pregnant Takitsubo from Index

DreamB6- His oc Forsythia with Ryszarda from Dragalia Lost both big and pregnant

David Alexander- A Blonde Waitress having eaten someone while on her break

PlazmaMaster- His oc as a Pokemon trainer Stargazing and spotting a Cosmernity and her Minior children in the night sky

C.Slime Banjo- Sly giving a hug to Reagan Ridley from Inside Job

Dankemem- My oc Rebecca overstuffed with food and having stomach problems

Arandomuser- Pit and Dark Pit having big bellies trying to fly

Orca- Lotte from MLWA having eaten some bullies with Anko watching

Gipsy- Dianna nice and big with her Family in her belly having a fun time

SNoodle Juju- Gabe feeding Baby some food on New Years Day



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